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      This is ‘Once upon a time’ – a captivating painting that skillfully interweaves 13 universe in a harmony of soft and natural colors.

      Each little piece is a bewitching invitation to tell a story, a timeless moment ‘Once upon a time’ who only asks to reveal himself.

      In this captivating composition, delicate shades dance harmoniously on the canvas, creating a tapestry of stories ready to be explored. Each element whispers a story, and contemplating the work, the magic of storytelling comes to life.

      Maybe in a corner, there is a serene forest bathed in the golden glow of the setting sun, while nearby, a universe awakens at the first light of dawn. Each segment tells its own story, inviting you to imagine the characters, the adventures and emotions that inhabit these miniature worlds.

      As an observer, you hold the pen to write the next chapter.

      Do you dare to venture into the mystical realms of the enchanted castle?, or will you follow the winding path through a wild field ? The possibilities are as endless as your imagination.

      'Once upon a time’ is not just a table ; it is an interactive web of dreams and tales.

      Let your creativity soar and, with every glance, discover a new story just waiting to be told.

      What story will you reveal in this magical montage?” ✨🖼️📖 #IlEtaitUneFois #NarrationArtistique #ImaginationDébrillée







      “You will never find what you are not looking for.”


    • ANJOS


      “The two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.”

      Mark Twain



      “Courage, this is what it takes to get up and talk.

      Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”


      Winston Churchill

      Politician, 1874 – 1965

    • SO… SO

      Dream your life in color, this is the secret of happiness.

      Walt disney


      Dans un monde où la réalité se dissout et l’imaginaire prend le dessus, un fond noir profond sert de toile à un spectacle enflammé. Des flammes de toutes les couleurs éclatantes dansent, évoquant l’énergie pure de l’univers.

      Au centre les flammes tourbillonnent et s’entrelacent en une chorégraphie céleste. Les nuances vives de rouge, d’orange, yellow, of blue, de vert et de violet se mélangent en un spectacle captivant.

      Les flammes se répondent, se rejoignent et se séparent, créant des formes fugaces et des connexions mystérieuses, invitant l’observateur à entrer dans la danse des âmes.

      Chaque flamme semble être le reflet d’une âme et l’ensemble de l’œuvre devient une célébration de la vie et de la diversité des expériences humaines, des histoires individuelles qui se rejoignent et se séparent, et de l’énergie fondamentale de la vie qui reste constante.

      Chaque regard porté sur cette œuvre suscite une réflexion sur notre propre existence et sur la façon dont nous participons à cette danse des âmes, que nous en soyons conscients ou non.

    • TATAMI


      “All grown-ups were children first, but few of them remember."

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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