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      “West Side Story” is a captivating visual and musical experience.

      This acrylic paint 100 cm x 100 cm, offers a mysterious spectacle where bright colors, sometimes fluorescent, dance with incredible energy.

      Colorful flights mingle in a symphony of shapes and nuances, evoking the passion and rhythm of an abstract choreography. Each brush stroke seems to be a musical note, each burst of color a pulse in this dynamic visual story.

      “West Side Story” transcends traditional art to become a sensory experience. It invites you to immerse yourself in a world where color and movement intertwine in an endless dance. It is a celebration of abstraction, music, energy and unbridled creativity.

      May this canvas be an invitation to explore, feel and let yourself be carried away where each burst of color tells its own story in this dynamic artistic composition.

      #WestSideStory #AbstractArt #AcrylicPainting #VibrantColors #AmazingEnergy #AbstractChoreography #SensoryExperience #UnbridledCreativity #VibrantDance #SymphonyOfColors #ArtisticExploration #VisualRhythm #DynamicComposition


      “Immerse yourself in a vibrant era with this seventies pop canvas with captivating geometric lines. Squares, rectangles, round, unite black, silver gray and orange, creating a dynamic visual symphony. The three little white dots add a touch of mystery. A work that brings the retro spirit into your interior, bringing an original and energetic atmosphere. Let yourself be seduced by this fusion of shapes and colors, an artistic invitation to redefine your space with a hint of nostalgia and a dose of modernity.”


      Do not imitate anything or anyone.

      A lion that copies a lion becomes a monkey.

      Victor hugo


      Marseille, city of light and color.

      Victor hugo


      Impose your luck, squeeze your happiness and go to your risk.

      To look at you, they will get used to

      Rene Char


      Make each day your masterpiece

      John Wooden


      Don’t limit your challenges. Challenge your limits.

    • TETRIS

      Don’t limit your challenges. Challenge your limits.


      Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.

      Helen Keller

    • FUSION

      "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can.

      Hate can't drive out hate, only love can. "

      Martin Luther King



      “One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye.”

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

    • ICARUS


      “If you can dream it, you can do it."

      Walt disney


      “It’s not because things are difficult that we don’t dare, but because we do not dare that they are difficult. “


      “California Burning” is a bold artistic expression that captures the intensity of the California wildfires through a fiery dance of red and gold windows against a deep black background. This rectangular canvas of 120 cm x 80 cm evokes a nocturnal scene where the flames seem to dance to the rhythm of a mysterious energy.

      Each of these “Windows” seems like a door to another world, an alternative reality where heat and light combine in a captivating dance. The juxtaposition of vibrant red and sparkling gold creates a striking contrast that immediately catches the eye.

      The contours of the windows seem to follow an invisible choreography, creating dynamic movement on the canvas. Shades of red evoke both fiery passion and consuming flames, while gold brings a touch of luxury and mystery to this captivating composition.

      “California Burning” transcends the limits of physical reality to immerse the viewer in a meditative state, inviting the contemplation of this fiery dance. This captivating work offers a powerful and poetic visual interpretation of the duality between the tragic beauty of the California wildfires and the creative force that emerges from the darkness. 🔥

      #CaliforniaBurning #AbstractArt #InflamedDance #ArtisticFlames

      “In art, everything comes simultaneously or nothing comes.”

      Albert Camus

      Writer, philosopher 1913 – 1960



      The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one’s destiny to do, and then do it.

      Henry Ford


      Dans un monde où la réalité se dissout et l’imaginaire prend le dessus, un fond noir profond sert de toile à un spectacle enflammé. Des flammes de toutes les couleurs éclatantes dansent, évoquant l’énergie pure de l’univers.

      Au centre les flammes tourbillonnent et s’entrelacent en une chorégraphie céleste. Les nuances vives de rouge, d’orange, yellow, of blue, de vert et de violet se mélangent en un spectacle captivant.

      Les flammes se répondent, se rejoignent et se séparent, créant des formes fugaces et des connexions mystérieuses, invitant l’observateur à entrer dans la danse des âmes.

      Chaque flamme semble être le reflet d’une âme et l’ensemble de l’œuvre devient une célébration de la vie et de la diversité des expériences humaines, des histoires individuelles qui se rejoignent et se séparent, et de l’énergie fondamentale de la vie qui reste constante.

      Chaque regard porté sur cette œuvre suscite une réflexion sur notre propre existence et sur la façon dont nous participons à cette danse des âmes, que nous en soyons conscients ou non.

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