Showing 1–16 of 52 results

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    • MAGMA

      Magma” is much more than just a canvas, it is a true immersion in the depths of the soul of the Earth.

      This work is a window open to the mysteries buried beneath our feet.

      She doesn't just decorate a wall, but it tells a fascinating story of life force, journey to the heart of the Earth to tap into primordial energy.

      Imagine yourself undertaking a daring journey, descending into the depths of the earth's crust to reach the burning core. This is where the mother energy resides, the brute force that has driven our planet for millennia. “Magma” captures this essence in its flames of incandescent colors, reminiscent of the tumultuous fusion of rocks and minerals that fuels the bowels of the Earth.

      Each colored pigment seems to be a messenger of this unalterable power, dancing and spinning like flames in an eternal inferno. The flamboyant shades evoke the stifling heat of the depths, hinting at the fusion of elements.

      Hang “Magma” in your space is like inviting this primal energy into your home.

      It’s an ode to resilience, to perseverance and the raw beauty of nature.

      When you contemplate this explosion of colors, let yourself be carried away by the thrill of adventure and the fascination of the unknown.

      “Magma” is much more than a work of art, it is a gateway to the very essence of life on Earth.



      Explore “Gone with the wind” : An Explosion of Creativity

      A Visual Symphony

      Immerse yourself in my world through the work “Gone With the Wind”, a captivating artistic creation that vibrates the web of 100 cm x 100 cm on a passionate red background. Made with acrylic, this unique piece offers a joyful and intoxicating visual experience, imbued with irresistible positive energy.

      A Dance of Colors

      I orchestrated a flight of warm colors that dance and intermingle, creating a living dynamic in a whirlwind of emotions. The passionate red background serves as the backdrop for this explosion of creativity, adding extra intensity and depth to the whole. Each stroke of the spatula seems to carry a powerful force.

      An Invitation to Movement

      The title itself, "Gone with the wind", suggests impetuous and free movement, an invitation to let yourself be carried away by the whirlwinds of my artistic inspiration. Warm and bright shades, carefully chosen, create a visual symphony evoking both the passion and creative energy that drives me.

      An Expression of Passion

      “Gone with the Wind” is the visual expression of my deep passion for painting and art.. If you are looking for a piece that awakens the senses and arouses admiration, this creation is a must-have. Explore every detail, immerse yourself in the whirlwind of emotions that I wanted to share and do not hesitate to express your impressions.

      This work is much more than a simple canvas, it’s an artistic experience in its own right that I’m delighted to share with you.



      Explore the Positive Energy of “Kaleidoscope Be Happy”

      An Ode to Joy and Color

      Dive into the heart of “Kaleidoscope Be Happy”, an abstract artistic canvas that celebrates the colors of the joy of living. Inspired by the sparkle of happy moments, this creation transports you into a whirlwind of hues evoking vitality and enthusiasm.

      An Explosion of Colors and Emotions

      Infused with luminous, vibrant shades, this abstract work captures the positive energy of everyday life. The shimmering colors, harmoniously mixed, symbolize the diversity and richness of positive emotions.

      A Modern and Inspiring Work

      The deliberate absence of figurative forms reinforces the modernity of “Kaleidoscope Be Happy”, transforming this canvas into a unique visual experience. If you appreciate the bright colors of joy, this work will fit perfectly into your space, bringing an atmosphere full of joy.

      Explore “Kaleidoscope Be Happy” and let yourself be carried away by its positive energy and vibrant colors.



      Dive into the Abstraction of “Kaleidoscope Lisboa”

      An Ode to the Portuguese Capital

      Dive into the heart of “Kaleidoscope Lisboa”, an abstract artistic creation with multiple hues, inspired by the shimmering colored houses of the Portuguese capital.

      Dominated by shades of blue, the work also evokes the Tagus which leads to the ocean.

      A Palette of Blues and Warmth

      The work, infused with shades of blue and warm colors, invites you to a visual journey imbued with serenity and warmth.

      Colors dance together, creating a unique visual harmony.

      A Contemporary and Singular Work

      The absence of figurative forms gives “Kaleidoscope Lisboa” a contemporary dimension, transforming this work into a unique visual adventure.

      If you like shades of blue mixed with warm colors, this creation will fit perfectly into your space.

      Explore “Kaleidoscope Lisboa” and let yourself be carried away by its harmonious and inspiring color palette.



      Discover “West Side Story” : An Explosion of Colors

      A Visual Symphony

      “West Side Story” offers a captivating visual and musical experience. This acrylic paint, generously sized 100 cm x 100 cm, presents a mysterious spectacle where bright colors, sometimes fluorescent, dance with incredible energy.

      An Abstract Choreography

      Colorful flights mingle in a symphony of shapes and nuances, evoking the passion and rhythm of an abstract choreography. Each brush stroke seems to be a musical note, each burst of color a pulse in this dynamic visual story.

      A Celebration of Abstraction

      “West Side Story” transcends traditional art to become a sensory experience. It invites you to immerse yourself in a world where color and movement intertwine in an endless dance. It is a celebration of abstraction, music, energy and unbridled creativity.

      May this canvas be an invitation to explore, feel and let yourself be carried away where each burst of color tells its own story in this dynamic artistic composition.



      “Immerse yourself in a vibrant era with this seventies pop canvas with captivating geometric lines. Squares, rectangles, round, unite black, silver gray and orange, creating a dynamic visual symphony. The three little white dots add a touch of mystery. A work that brings the retro spirit into your interior, bringing an original and energetic atmosphere. Let yourself be seduced by this fusion of shapes and colors, an artistic invitation to redefine your space with a hint of nostalgia and a dose of modernity.”


      Do not imitate anything or anyone.

      A lion that copies a lion becomes a monkey.

      Victor hugo



      Méli Mélo”: Un Puzzle Coloré et Fluorescent

      Discover “Méli Mélo”, un puzzle artistique qui éclate de couleurs vives et fluorescentes. Chaque pièce de ce polyptyque de 9 canvases, mesurant 40 cm x 40 cm, est une explosion de nuances rouge, verte, jaune et bien d’autres. Cette composition originale évoque un sentiment de joie, de vitalité et d’énergie positive.

      Flexibilité d’Exposition

      Méli Méloest un véritable jeu de puzzle pour les amateurs d’art. Chaque toile peut être disposée individuellement ou combinée avec les autres pour créer une variété de configurations uniques. Avec sa flexibilité d’exposition, cette œuvre offre une expérience visuelle personnalisable qui s’adapte à tous les espaces et à toutes les ambiances.

      Plongez dans ce puzzle coloré et laissez-vous transporter par la dynamique et l’énergie positive deMéli Mélo”. Cette œuvre ludique et captivante est un hommage à la créativité et à la diversité, qui apporte une touche de bonne humeur et de vitalité à votre intérieur.



      Make each day your masterpiece

      John Wooden



      Don’t limit your challenges. Challenge your limits.

    • TETRIS


      Don’t limit your challenges. Challenge your limits.



      Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.

      Helen Keller



      Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.

      Maya Angelou



      “Immerse yourself in a captivating universe where seventies nostalgia meets modern dynamism in this bold canvas. Two pinball balls, mirrored, evoke an effervescent energy at the heart of a pop design decor. Regular vintage lines capture the retro spirit, while the bright and dynamic colors transport the whole into a contemporary era. This artistic fusion creates a unique visual harmony, inviting a visual exploration where past and present meet in an explosion of shapes and colors. A canvas that adds a touch of vitality and style to any space, evoking the brilliance of pinball and the timeless aesthetic of the years 70.


      Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.

      Maya Angelou

    • BOLERO



      Immerse yourself in the heart of the psychedelic experience with the XXL canvas “Bolero”. It’s a bold invitation to a hurricane of intense colors, a celebration bursting with positive energy. Bright hues dance with vitality, creating a visual symphony that evokes strong emotions. “Bolero” is more than a work, it is a sensory immersion that transports each spectator into a whirlwind of vibrant sensations. Let yourself be carried away by this explosion of colors, an artistic experience that resonates with the power of emotion and the brilliance of creativity.


      All things have their beauty, but not everyone can see them.


    • OXYGEN


      “Discover “Oxygen”, a bewitching variation of the famous “Bolero”, transformed into an even more personal artistic experience. This work is presented in the form of a multitude of square canvases of 40 cm x 40 cm, like a captivating visual puzzle. Order or disorder, rectilinear or staggered arrangement, it's all in your hands to shape your own interpretation of this psychedelic symphony.

      Each canvas, like a unique piece, carries within it intense energy and dazzling colors. Ensemble, they form a visual harmony where each arrangement offers a different perspective of the artistic experience. “Oxygen” transcends traditional boundaries by allowing you to become the creator, bring your personal vision to life. Immerse yourself in this artistic adventure where creativity has no limits other than those you impose on it, and create your own vibrant and dynamic masterpiece.”


      Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.

      Soren Kierkegaard

    • Mini Lénon 52


      Lénon's Minis : Nuggets of Happiness to Frame

      Discover Lénon’s Minis

      Lénon's Minis are small acrylic paintings on canvas, accompanied by a master key. Simply frame them to achieve the most striking visual effect.. These little wonders are real nuggets of happiness !

      An Inspired Creation

      “There are creations that prove that the grandeur of a work can be reinvented in a small space.” – Lenon B

      An Invitation to Creativity

      These little canvases carry creativity in each of them, the positive energy and passion for the colors of their creator. They are an invitation to discovery, to wonder and creation.

      Create Your Exclusive Composition

      Find the ones that resonate with you, let yourself be carried away by their unique charm. Combine several to create your exclusive composition, your own personal art gallery. With Lénon’s Minis, the greatness of art is reinvented in every little detail.

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