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      “It is not necessary to turn off another's light for our own to shine.”


    • MINI 1


      Happiness is the only thing that multiplies when you share it.

      Albert Schweitzer

    • MINI 2


      The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination.

      Carl Rogers

    • MINI 3


      The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.

      Jimmy Johnson

    • MINI 4


      Always let your conscience be your guide.

      Jiminy Cricket


      Cette oeuvre fait désormais partie du Conservatoire du Patrimoine du Concelho de Mafra – Portugal

      This diptych is a visual celebration of the lands of Provence and in particular, from the picturesque village of Roussillon.

      It evokes the softness and seduction of this region where the earth is imbued with sun and warm colors..

      The two panels of this diptych are a hymn to the beauty of the region's emblematic ochres.. Terracotta tones, scorched earth and brick red blend harmoniously, creating a rich and warm visual palette.

      The technique used to create this work is a true spectacle in itself. I let textures and effects emerge, giving a tactile dimension to the work.

      One of the most striking characteristics of “Roussillon” is its shiny and lustrous surface. The entire work is covered with a transparent resin which gives it an incomparable shine., thus reinforcing the essence and luminosity of the colors.

      This shine adds a touch of magic to the work, creating a play of light and reflections that invites deep contemplation.


    • NO NAME


      “The emerald does not lose its value for lack of praise.”

      Marcus Aurelius

    • DAVID


      “Nothing is ever over, it just takes a little happiness to start it all over again.”


      Emile Zola

      Writer, french journalist,

    • FUSION

      "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can.

      Hate can't drive out hate, only love can. "

      Martin Luther King



      “One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye.”

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

    • ICARUS


      “If you can dream it, you can do it."

      Walt disney



      This unique composition, titled “Melting Pot”, is a large abstract painting that will find its place in all interiors, from the most classic to the most contemporary.

      “Melting Pot” is a visual fresco that unfolds on a vast canvas, inviting the viewer on a captivating journey through 13 “skits” distinct.

      Each scene is an exploration of textures, colors and artistic techniques, thus creating a kaleidoscope of visual emotions.

      Textures vary from smooth to rough, from glossy to matte, offering a true tactile feast for the eyes. Colors, as for them, come in an infinite palette, ranging from soft, calming hues to vibrant, bold pops. It is a chromatic symphony that knows how to move and intrigue.

      Ce qui rend “Melting Pot” encore plus fascinant, ce sont les techniques mixtes utilisées. J’ai exploité une diversité de matériaux et de médiums pour créer des effets inattendus. Les transitions subtiles et les superpositions audacieuses apportent une dimension surprenante à l’ensemble, invitant le regard à explorer les moindres recoins de cette toile vivante.

      L’harmonie globale qui émane de “Melting Pot” est profondément originale. Chaque scénette interagit avec les autres pour former un tout cohérent, une composition abstraite qui révèle sa propre histoire à chaque instant. C’est une œuvre qui évolue, qui se réinvente sans cesse, tout comme les intérieurs dans lesquels elle prend place.

      Whether you're looking to add a bold touch to a classic room or enhance the aesthetic of a contemporary decor, “Melting Pot” is the answer.

      It is a work of art that transcends stylistic boundaries and will awaken creativity in any environment.

      She embodies the spirit of abstract art in all its splendor, capturing the complexity and richness of artistic diversity in unforgettable visual harmony.


      The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one’s destiny to do, and then do it.

      Henry Ford



      “No one knows what they are capable of until they try it”



      Face au tableauJazzy”, vous êtes instantanément transporté dans les rues animées de la Nouvelle-Orléans.

      Cette œuvre de grande dimension, sur fond rouge éclatant, nous joue des airs de jazz dans une harmonie de couleurs joyeuses, capturant l’essence même de cette musique iconique.

      Les couleurs chaudes deJazzynous renvoie l’énergie envoûtante de cette ville, où le jazz résonne jour et nuit. Des teintes ardentes de rouge et d’orange dansent en parfaite harmonie, rappelant l’atmosphère électrique qui y règne. C’est une palette qui brille comme une improvisation de cuivre sous les projecteurs d’un club de jazz.

      Au cœur de la composition, des musiciens invisibles semblent jouer avec passion et virtuosité. Leurs silhouettes se dessinent dans les lignes abstraites du tableau, créant un sentiment de mouvement et d’émotion. Les notes invisibles de leurs instruments se fondent dans la toile, invitant le spectateur à sentir la musique qui vibre dans l’air.

      Le rouge, couleur de la passion, du rythme effréné et de l’expression émotionnelle, est le fil conducteur deJazzy”. Il évoque l’âme ardente du jazz, une musique qui exprime la joie, la mélancolie, et la célébration de la vie. Chaque nuance révèle une facette de cette musique emblématique.

      Jazzy” is much more than a work of art ; c’est une expérience sensorielle, un hommage vibrant à la Nouvelle-Orléans, à ses rues animées, à son jazz enivrant. C’est une symphonie visuelle qui capture l’essence de la musique dans une explosion de couleurs, où chaque coup de pinceau évoque une note de saxophone ou un rythme de batterie.

    • LISBOA

      “Lisboa” immerses us in the heart of this incredible city, immortal through the words of Fernando Pessoa.

      This large canvas is a visual explosion of vibrant colors, intertwined, just like the facades of Lisbon itself.

      Colors, lively and diverse, mingle in a frantic dance, creating a visual kaleidoscope that reflects the richness and vitality of the Portuguese capital. But in the middle of this profusion of hues, a subtle melancholy emerges.

      Filigree, almost elusive but nevertheless present, a few lines from Pessoa's iconic poem blend into the canvas. “Lisbon with its houses of different colors” : these words, like distant whispers, evoke the monotony perceived by the author in the face of so much diversity. They recall the complex duality of Lisbon, a city where the brilliance of exterior colors contrasts with interior darkness, a city of paradoxes.

      This painting is a tribute to the Lisboa of Pessoa, a city where architectural diversity combines with a latent melancholy. The artist’s subtle nuances express the “missing” eternal that Fernando Pessoa had for this city, an indefinable feeling of nostalgia and love.

      “Lisboa” is much more than a canvas ; it is a visual meditation on the soul of the city and on the soul of those who travel through it. It is a reminder that even in the midst of constant diversity and change, a sweet melancholy persists, adding emotional depth to the beauty of colorful facades.

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