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      “The earth is blue like an orange.”

      Paul Eluard

      Artist, writer, Poet 1895 – 1952


      When we dare, we are often wrong.

      When we don't dare, we are always wrong.

      Romain Rolland.



      Life will put stones in your path.

      It's up to you to decide whether to make walls or bridges.



      “One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye.”

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

    • ICARUS


      “If you can dream it, you can do it."

      Walt disney


      “It’s not because things are difficult that we don’t dare, but because we do not dare that they are difficult. “



      “No one knows what they are capable of until they try it”


    • LISA

      “I don't paint what I see, I paint what I think. ”

      Pablo Picasso



      “Let's be thankful for the people who make us happy.

      They are the gardeners who make our soul bloom.”

      Marcel Proust



      “The happiest people don't have the best.

      They just do the best they can with everything they have. "



      “You don't have to wait to be perfect to start something good”

      Abbot Pierre


      “You will never find what you are not looking for.”




      In the heart of darkness, on a large format canvas with an evocative title, “Life is beautiful,” an explosion of color transcends the limits of abstraction.

      A black background, like the night, serves as a canvas for an extraordinary visual spectacle. Multicolored shards, bright and cheerful, dance in harmony to play a hymn to life.

      Every color, every line, seems to be a musical note . Multi-colored gestures create a striking contrast with the black background, symbolizing the duality of existence, the beauty that can emerge from even the darkest moments. Shapes and colors mix and separate, forming an intoxicating ballet that resonates with the optimism and vitality of life.

      Colors evoke the diversity and richness of the human experience. Each shade represents an emotion, one moment, a memory. The whole work resembles a kaleidoscope of stories and sensations, a tribute to the complexity of existence.

      “Life is beautiful” reminds us that life is a painting on which we can paint our own colors and create our own melody. It's a celebration of optimism, resilience, and joy that can arise even in the darkest times. It is a reminder that, despite the challenges and uncertainties of existence, the beauty and magic of life persists.


    • FATIMA

      The work entitled “Our Lady of Fatima” is a tribute to the essence of the Portuguese soul through the abstract portrait of the Virgin Mary, which appeared in the Portuguese city of Fátima.

      At the heart of this canvas, a strong and elegant figure emerges through a harmony of dazzling colors, with a mysterious face that evokes the wisdom and depth of the Portuguese soul.

      Her abstract portrait is a tribute to her role in the country's history and the devotion she inspired. It's a celebration of love, of the faith and resilience that characterize the Portuguese people.

      The work “Our Lady of Fatima” is a reminder of traditions, colours, landscapes and emotions that shape this extraordinary nation. It is a visual metaphor for the pride and beauty of Portugal, an ode to cultural heritage that continues to shine through generations, une invitation to explore the soul of a nation through the magic of abstract art.


    • SUNSET IN ERICEIRA, white village where the sea is more blue

      ”There are two ways of thinking.

      One is to believe that miracles do not exist.

      The other is to believe that everything is a miracle. "

      Albert Einstein


    • SINTRA



      “All men think happiness is at the top of the mountain,

      then it lies in how to climb it. "

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