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    • MAGMA

      Magma” is much more than just a canvas, it is a true immersion in the depths of the soul of the Earth.

      This work is a window open to the mysteries buried beneath our feet.

      She doesn't just decorate a wall, but it tells a fascinating story of life force, journey to the heart of the Earth to tap into primordial energy.

      Imagine yourself undertaking a daring journey, descending into the depths of the earth's crust to reach the burning core. This is where the mother energy resides, the brute force that has driven our planet for millennia. “Magma” captures this essence in its flames of incandescent colors, reminiscent of the tumultuous fusion of rocks and minerals that fuels the bowels of the Earth.

      Each colored pigment seems to be a messenger of this unalterable power, dancing and spinning like flames in an eternal inferno. The flamboyant shades evoke the stifling heat of the depths, hinting at the fusion of elements.

      Hang “Magma” in your space is like inviting this primal energy into your home.

      It’s an ode to resilience, to perseverance and the raw beauty of nature.

      When you contemplate this explosion of colors, let yourself be carried away by the thrill of adventure and the fascination of the unknown.

      “Magma” is much more than a work of art, it is a gateway to the very essence of life on Earth.

    • JOY


      An explosion of vibrant colors, an overflowing energy that awakens the emotions.

      Lenon B

    • TILES




      “Adventure is the treasure we discover every morning.”

      Jacques Brel

    • NAXOS


      We all have two lives. The second one starts when we realize we only have one.


    • EARTH



      Pablo Picasso

    • CANDY

      All grown-ups were children first, but few of them remember."

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

    • SANDY


      “Adventure is the treasure we discover every morning.”

      Jacques Brel


      “It’s not because things are difficult that we don’t dare, but because we do not dare that they are difficult. “

    • LISA

      “I don't paint what I see, I paint what I think. ”

      Pablo Picasso


      “Passion grows because of the obstacles that are opposed to it.”




      “Antelope Canyon” was born from the memory of my discovery of this incredible natural site a few years ago. The surface of the canvas is bathed in hues of red and orange, like the earth found there, the dominant colors create a magical atmosphere, lively and energetic. The use of acrylic paint contributes to the rich, bold colors that define the work. The painting resonates with the qualities of abstract art, a genre that relies on the visual language of form, color and line to create compositions.

      The absence of recognizable objects or figures allows viewers to interpret the work in their own unique way.

      This work evokes a feeling of wonder, reflecting my personal vision of this enchanting place, it can be seen as an invitation to explore the complex details of my imagination, a reminiscence of the shapes and colors that persist there.

      #AntelopeCanyon #AbstractArt #AcrylicPainting #NaturalInspiration #ArtisticMemories #ImaginaryExploration #VibrantColors #Wonder #ArtisticComposition #MagicOfHues #PersonalVision #EnchantedNaturalSite



      “Fujiyama”, an abstract painting, exudes the power of red colors. In the center, a peaceful blue offers a moment of calm, but it's an illusion.

      Flaming bursts burst forth, vibrating with intense energy. These red shades aren't just visual, they are a force that transmits a bubbling passion.

      The canvas becomes a dance between the tranquility of blue and the ardor of red, capturing a burning emotion that envelops the viewer.

      In a few brush strokes, “Fujiyama” reveals the vitality and unrivaled power of red colors.



      Many failures in life are people who didn't realize how close they were to success when they gave up.


      This work which embodies the spirit of perseverance, optimism and belief in a better future.

      At first sight, the eye is immediately drawn to the bright, warm colors that unfold on the canvas. Shades of red, yellow, of blue, green and other colors intertwine to form a complex and intriguing maze.

      This maze, which seems endless, represents life itself, with its challenges, its detours, his moments of joy and perplexity.

      The varied color palette symbolizes the diversity of the human experience. Each color evokes an emotion, a feeling, a unique moment in life.

      These colors mix and overlap, creating a visual kaleidoscope that reflects the complexity of our existence.

      “Never Give Up” invites the viewer to create their own story, to feel unique emotions and draw strength from the web.

      A canvas that exudes vitality, passion, determination and strength, remembering that life is an ever-changing journey.

      “Never Give Up” is tangible proof of the power of art to inspire, to move and encourage. He reminds us that art has the capacity to transcend words and the limits of communication.

      It’s a work that speaks to the heart, that evokes the soul and encourages each of us to persevere through difficult times.

    • JACKSON 5


      “The real journey is not to seek new landscapes,

      but to have new eyes. ”

      Marcel Proust



      “Gold Finger” is a work of art of undeniable versatility.

      With its combination of luxurious elegance and captivating mystery, it can find its place in all types of interior decoration.

      Whether in a contemporary setting, classic, minimalist or extravagant, this asymmetrical diptych on a black background with its golden effects and its small gold bubbles will bring a touch of exclusivity . This exceptional work thus becomes a focal point, a conversation starter, and a centerpiece that transcends trends and styles.

      It adapts perfectly to the soul and personality of each place, making “Gold Finger” a timeless work that never ceases to captivate and inspire.

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