Showing 17–30 of 30 results

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    • WORLD’S FAIR 5- VIENNA 1873

      WORLD’S FAIR 5 : VIENNA 1873

      Immerse yourself in the Vienna World’s Fair 1873

      This abstract representation, “WORLD’S FAIR 5”, offers a vibrant dive into the Vienna Universal Exhibition in 1873 through an explosion of bright colors and geometric shapes.

      Whirlwind of Movement and Dynamism

      Circles, triangles and squares intertwine to form a whirlwind of movement and dynamism, capturing the energy of the historical event.

      Evocation of Decorative Arts

      Warm shades of orange, of yellow and red recall the decorative arts and tapestries exhibited at the event, offering an immersion in the aesthetics of the time.

      Celebration of Innovation and Creativity

      “WORLD’S FAIR 5 : VIENNA 1873” is a work that celebrates the innovation and creativity presented at the Vienna World Expo in 1873, testifying to the lasting impact of this event on the history of art and technology.

      Flexibility and Versatility “World’s Fair”

      “WORLD’S FAIR” goes beyond traditional art. Made up of 20 canvases, it offers exceptional exhibition flexibility. Whether individually, an order, disordered or combined, each painting can be enjoyed on its own or in conjunction with the others, thus providing a versatile and customizable visual experience.

      Explore the depth and richness of “WORLD’S FAIR” and let yourself be transported into a world of art and history where each painting tells a unique story from this bygone era.



      Plongez dans l’Exposition Universelle de Philadelphie en 1876

      Cette œuvre abstraite, “WORLD’S FAIR 6”, célèbre l’Exposition Universelle de Philadelphie de 1876 through geometric shapes and bright colors.

      Évocation des Bâtiments Emblématiques

      The emblematic buildings of the exhibition are suggested by the lines and curves, capturant l’essence architecturale de cet événement historique.

      Un Hommage à l’Innovation et au Progrès

      Red colors, blue and yellow evoke the spirit of innovation and progress of the time, reflétant les avancées technologiques présentées lors de l’exposition.

      Une Représentation Artistique de la Diversité

      Asymmetrical shapes add an artistic touch and reflect the diversity of cultures and technologies presented, témoignant de l’ampleur et de la portée de l’exposition.

      Flexibility and Versatility “World’s Fair”

      “WORLD’S FAIR” goes beyond traditional art. Made up of 20 canvases, it offers exceptional exhibition flexibility. Whether individually, an order, disordered or combined, each painting can be enjoyed on its own or in conjunction with the others, thus providing a versatile and customizable visual experience.

      Celebration of Innovation and Creativity

      “WORLD’S FAIR 6 : PHILADELPHIE 1876est une représentation abstraite qui célèbre l’innovation et la créativité de l’Exposition Universelle de 1876. Explorez cette œuvre captivante et plongez dans l’histoire de cet événement révolutionnaire.

      Explore the depth and richness of “WORLD’S FAIR” and let yourself be transported into a world of art and history where each painting tells a unique story from this bygone era.

    • WORLD’S FAIR 7- PARIS 1878

      WORLD’S FAIR 7 : PARIS 1878

      Immerse yourself in the Paris Universal Exhibition 1878

      This abstract representation of the Paris Universal Exhibition in 1878, “WORLD’S FAIR 7”, capture l’essence de cet événement historique avec des formes géométriques dynamiques et des couleurs vives.

      Une Palette de Couleurs Évocatrices

      The blue evokes the Seine which crosses the city, tandis que le rouge au centre rappelle le célèbre Moulin Rouge. Silver gray and purple symbolize the artistic and cultural richness of the exhibition, while black and white add a touch of elegance and sophistication.

      Formes Stylisées et Attractions Captivantes

      The stylized shapes represent the different pavilions and attractions of the exhibition, offering an abstract but captivating vision of this major event in Parisian history.

      Flexibility and Versatility “World’s Fair”

      “WORLD’S FAIR” goes beyond traditional art. Made up of 20 canvases, it offers exceptional exhibition flexibility. Whether individually, an order, disordered or combined, each painting can be enjoyed on its own or in conjunction with the others, thus providing a versatile and customizable visual experience.

      Ajoutez une Touche d’Histoire et de Sophistication

      “WORLD’S FAIR 7 : PARIS 1878est une œuvre d’art qui apporte une touche d’histoire et de sophistication à tout espace. Explorez la profondeur et la richesse de cette exposition universelle historique à travers cette représentation abstraite captivante.

      Explore the depth and richness of “WORLD’S FAIR” and let yourself be transported into a world of art and history where each painting tells a unique story from this bygone era.



      Découvrez l’Exposition Universelle de Melbourne en 1880

      An abstract representation of the Melbourne World Expo in 1880, “WORLD’S FAIR 8capture l’essence de cet événement historique à travers des formes géométriques, des lignes et des courbes audacieuses, ainsi que des couleurs vives.

      An Innovative and Conceptual Work

      Cette œuvre innovante et conceptuelle exprime un sens profond de la créativité artistique. La maîtrise de l’art abstrait est évidente dans chaque détail, des couleurs éclatantes aux formes dynamiques.

      Couleurs Éclatantes et Formes Dynamiques

      Les couleurs éclatantes et les formes dynamiques de “WORLD’S FAIR 8 : MELBOURNE 1880symbolisent l’excitation et l’énergie de la foire. Elles mettent en avant le style artistique distinctif de l’artiste, rendant cette œuvre visuellement frappante.

      Flexibility and Versatility “World’s Fair”

      “WORLD’S FAIR” goes beyond traditional art. Made up of 20 canvases, it offers exceptional exhibition flexibility. Whether individually, an order, disordered or combined, each painting can be enjoyed on its own or in conjunction with the others, thus providing a versatile and customizable visual experience.

      Un Ajout Parfait pour Tout Projet de Design d’Intérieur

      Cette œuvre est idéale pour tout projet de design d’intérieur. “WORLD’S FAIR 8 : MELBOURNE 1880est non seulement une célébration de l’ingéniosité artistique et de l’histoire de l’exposition universelle de Melbourne, mais elle est aussi une pièce parfaite pour ajouter une touche de créativité et de sophistication à tout espace.

      Explore the depth and richness of “WORLD’S FAIR” and let yourself be transported into a world of art and history where each painting tells a unique story from this bygone era.




      Découvrez l’Exposition Universelle de Barcelone en 1888

      This abstract representation of the Barcelona Universal Exhibition in 1888 is a dynamic and captivating work of art. “WORLD’S FAIR 9vous transporte dans l’atmosphère novatrice de cet événement historique.

      Une Œuvre d’Art Dynamique et Captivante

      With its geometric shapes, its bold lines and bright colors, cette œuvre incarne l’esprit novateur de l’événement. The subtly balanced composition is a testament to the artistic mastery of its creator.

      Une Composition Équilibrée et Créative

      “WORLD’S FAIR 9 : BARCELONE 1888est une composition subtilement équilibrée qui transmet l’essence de l’Exposition tout en y ajoutant une touche créative unique. This timeless work of art is a stylish addition to any interior.

      Flexibility and Versatility “World’s Fair”

      “WORLD’S FAIR” goes beyond traditional art. Made up of 20 canvases, it offers exceptional exhibition flexibility. Whether individually, an order, disordered or combined, each painting can be enjoyed on its own or in conjunction with the others, thus providing a versatile and customizable visual experience.

      Un Hommage à l’Impact Historique

      Explore the depth and richness of “WORLD’S FAIR” and let yourself be transported into a world of art and history where each painting tells a unique story from this bygone era. “WORLD’S FAIR 9 : BARCELONE 1888est un rappel subtil mais puissant de l’impact historique de l’Exposition Universelle de Barcelone, parfait pour ajouter une touche de sophistication à tout espace intérieur.

    • Mini Lénon 76


      Lénon's Minis : Nuggets of Happiness to Frame

      Discover Lénon’s Minis

      Lénon's Minis are small acrylic paintings on canvas, accompanied by a master key. Simply frame them to achieve the most striking visual effect.. These little wonders are real nuggets of happiness !

      An Inspired Creation

      “There are creations that prove that the grandeur of a work can be reinvented in a small space.” – Lenon B

      An Invitation to Creativity

      These little canvases carry creativity in each of them, the positive energy and passion for the colors of their creator. They are an invitation to discovery, to wonder and creation.

      Create Your Exclusive Composition

      Find the ones that resonate with you, let yourself be carried away by their unique charm. Combine several to create your exclusive composition, your own personal art gallery. With Lénon’s Minis, the greatness of art is reinvented in every little detail.

    • Mini Lénon 77


      Lénon's Minis : Nuggets of Happiness to Frame

      Discover Lénon’s Minis

      Lénon's Minis are small acrylic paintings on canvas, accompanied by a master key. Simply frame them to achieve the most striking visual effect.. These little wonders are real nuggets of happiness !

      An Inspired Creation

      “There are creations that prove that the grandeur of a work can be reinvented in a small space.” – Lenon B

      An Invitation to Creativity

      These little canvases carry creativity in each of them, the positive energy and passion for the colors of their creator. They are an invitation to discovery, to wonder and creation.

      Create Your Exclusive Composition

      Find the ones that resonate with you, let yourself be carried away by their unique charm. Combine several to create your exclusive composition, your own personal art gallery. With Lénon’s Minis, the greatness of art is reinvented in every little detail.

    • Mini Lénon 78


      Lénon's Minis : Nuggets of Happiness to Frame

      Discover Lénon’s Minis

      Lénon's Minis are small acrylic paintings on canvas, accompanied by a master key. Simply frame them to achieve the most striking visual effect.. These little wonders are real nuggets of happiness !

      An Inspired Creation

      “There are creations that prove that the grandeur of a work can be reinvented in a small space.” – Lenon B

      An Invitation to Creativity

      These little canvases carry creativity in each of them, the positive energy and passion for the colors of their creator. They are an invitation to discovery, to wonder and creation.

      Create Your Exclusive Composition

      Find the ones that resonate with you, let yourself be carried away by their unique charm. Combine several to create your exclusive composition, your own personal art gallery. With Lénon’s Minis, the greatness of art is reinvented in every little detail.

    • Mini Lénon 83


      Lénon's Minis : Nuggets of Happiness to Frame

      Discover Lénon’s Minis

      Lénon's Minis are small acrylic paintings on canvas, accompanied by a master key. Simply frame them to achieve the most striking visual effect.. These little wonders are real nuggets of happiness !

      An Inspired Creation

      “There are creations that prove that the grandeur of a work can be reinvented in a small space.” – Lenon B

      An Invitation to Creativity

      These little canvases carry creativity in each of them, the positive energy and passion for the colors of their creator. They are an invitation to discovery, to wonder and creation.

      Create Your Exclusive Composition

      Find the ones that resonate with you, let yourself be carried away by their unique charm. Combine several to create your exclusive composition, your own personal art gallery. With Lénon’s Minis, the greatness of art is reinvented in every little detail.

    • Mini Lénon 91


      Lénon's Minis : Small Canvases, Great Happiness !

      Explore Lénon’s Minis

      Lénon's Minis are true artistic treasures to discover. These are small acrylic paintings on canvas, accompanied by a master key, ready to be framed to beautify your interior.

      A Creation that Inspires

      Lénon B once said : “There are creations that prove that the grandeur of a work can be reinvented in a small space.” These words resonate in every Lénon Mini, where passion and creativity are concentrated in every square centimeter.

      A Palette of Happiness

      Each Lénon Mini is an explosion of color, an invitation to joy and wonder. Let yourself be transported by their charm and create your own artistic oasis by combining them according to your desires.

      Create Your Personal Gallery

      With Lénon’s Minis, creation is in your hands. Explore, discover and create your personal art gallery, where each Mini tells a story and each frame is a work of art in itself.

    • Mini Lénon 92


      Lénon's Minis : Small Canvases, Great Happiness !

      Explore Lénon’s Minis

      Lénon's Minis are true artistic treasures to discover. These are small acrylic paintings on canvas, accompanied by a master key, ready to be framed to beautify your interior.

      A Creation that Inspires

      Lénon B once said : “There are creations that prove that the grandeur of a work can be reinvented in a small space.” These words resonate in every Lénon Mini, where passion and creativity are concentrated in every square centimeter.

      A Palette of Happiness

      Each Lénon Mini is an explosion of color, an invitation to joy and wonder. Let yourself be transported by their charm and create your own artistic oasis by combining them according to your desires.

      Create Your Personal Gallery

      With Lénon’s Minis, creation is in your hands. Explore, discover and create your personal art gallery, where each Mini tells a story and each frame is a work of art in itself.

    • Mini Lénon 93


      Lénon's Minis : Nuggets of Happiness to Frame

      Discover Lénon’s Minis

      Lénon's Minis are small acrylic paintings on canvas, accompanied by a master key. Simply frame them to achieve the most striking visual effect.. These little wonders are real nuggets of happiness !

      An Inspired Creation

      “There are creations that prove that the grandeur of a work can be reinvented in a small space.” – Lenon B

      An Invitation to Creativity

      These little canvases carry creativity in each of them, the positive energy and passion for the colors of their creator. They are an invitation to discovery, to wonder and creation.

      Create Your Exclusive Composition

      Find the ones that resonate with you, let yourself be carried away by their unique charm. Combine several to create your exclusive composition, your own personal art gallery. With Lénon’s Minis, the greatness of art is reinvented in every little detail.

    • Mini Lénon 94


      Lénon's Minis : Nuggets of Happiness to Frame

      Discover Lénon’s Minis

      Lénon's Minis are small acrylic paintings on canvas, accompanied by a master key. Simply frame them to achieve the most striking visual effect.. These little wonders are real nuggets of happiness !

      An Inspired Creation

      “There are creations that prove that the grandeur of a work can be reinvented in a small space.” – Lenon B

      An Invitation to Creativity

      These little canvases carry creativity in each of them, the positive energy and passion for the colors of their creator. They are an invitation to discovery, to wonder and creation.

      Create Your Exclusive Composition

      Find the ones that resonate with you, let yourself be carried away by their unique charm. Combine several to create your exclusive composition, your own personal art gallery. With Lénon’s Minis, the greatness of art is reinvented in every little detail.



      An exclusive artistic concept that offers you freedom to create your own personal composition.

      Each canvas is a piece of an artistic puzzle linked to the others to create an original work of art. 20 canvases of 40 cm x 40 cm.

      These pieces can be displayed together, in order, randomly or individually, according to individual preferences.

      You have the power to maintain continuity or reinvent everything.

      Choose from canvases, compose Your unique work !

      An artwork, endless combinations, the freedom to compose together !

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