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      Explore “Gone with the wind” : An Explosion of Creativity

      A Visual Symphony

      Immerse yourself in my world through the work “Gone With the Wind”, a captivating artistic creation that vibrates the web of 100 cm x 100 cm on a passionate red background. Made with acrylic, this unique piece offers a joyful and intoxicating visual experience, imbued with irresistible positive energy.

      A Dance of Colors

      I orchestrated a flight of warm colors that dance and intermingle, creating a living dynamic in a whirlwind of emotions. The passionate red background serves as the backdrop for this explosion of creativity, adding extra intensity and depth to the whole. Each stroke of the spatula seems to carry a powerful force.

      An Invitation to Movement

      The title itself, "Gone with the wind", suggests impetuous and free movement, an invitation to let yourself be carried away by the whirlwinds of my artistic inspiration. Warm and bright shades, carefully chosen, create a visual symphony evoking both the passion and creative energy that drives me.

      An Expression of Passion

      “Gone with the Wind” is the visual expression of my deep passion for painting and art.. If you are looking for a piece that awakens the senses and arouses admiration, this creation is a must-have. Explore every detail, immerse yourself in the whirlwind of emotions that I wanted to share and do not hesitate to express your impressions.

      This work is much more than a simple canvas, it’s an artistic experience in its own right that I’m delighted to share with you.



      Discover “West Side Story” : An Explosion of Colors

      A Visual Symphony

      “West Side Story” offers a captivating visual and musical experience. This acrylic paint, generously sized 100 cm x 100 cm, presents a mysterious spectacle where bright colors, sometimes fluorescent, dance with incredible energy.

      An Abstract Choreography

      Colorful flights mingle in a symphony of shapes and nuances, evoking the passion and rhythm of an abstract choreography. Each brush stroke seems to be a musical note, each burst of color a pulse in this dynamic visual story.

      A Celebration of Abstraction

      “West Side Story” transcends traditional art to become a sensory experience. It invites you to immerse yourself in a world where color and movement intertwine in an endless dance. It is a celebration of abstraction, music, energy and unbridled creativity.

      May this canvas be an invitation to explore, feel and let yourself be carried away where each burst of color tells its own story in this dynamic artistic composition.



      “Méli Mélo”: A Colorful and Fluorescent Puzzle

      Discover “Méli Mélo”, an artistic puzzle that bursts with bright, fluorescent colors. Each piece of this polyptych 9 canvases, measuring 40 cm x 40 cm, is an explosion of red shades, verte, yellow and many others. This original composition evokes a feeling of joy, vitality and positive energy.

      Exhibition Flexibility

      “Méli Mélo” is a real puzzle game for art lovers. Each canvas can be arranged individually or combined with others to create a variety of unique configurations. With its exhibition flexibility, this work offers a customizable visual experience that adapts to all spaces and ambiances.

      Immerse yourself in this colorful puzzle and let yourself be transported by the dynamics and positive energy of “Méli Mélo”. This playful and captivating work is a tribute to creativity and diversity, which brings a touch of good humor and vitality to your interior.

    • OXYGEN


      “Discover “Oxygen”, a bewitching variation of the famous “Bolero”, transformed into an even more personal artistic experience. This work is presented in the form of a multitude of square canvases of 40 cm x 40 cm, like a captivating visual puzzle. Order or disorder, rectilinear or staggered arrangement, it's all in your hands to shape your own interpretation of this psychedelic symphony.

      Each canvas, like a unique piece, carries within it intense energy and dazzling colors. Ensemble, they form a visual harmony where each arrangement offers a different perspective of the artistic experience. “Oxygen” transcends traditional boundaries by allowing you to become the creator, bring your personal vision to life. Immerse yourself in this artistic adventure where creativity has no limits other than those you impose on it, and create your own vibrant and dynamic masterpiece.”


      Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.

      Soren Kierkegaard



      “We use colors, but we paint with the feeling”

      Jean Chardin

      Artist, writer (1643 – 1713)

    • NO NAME


      “The emerald does not lose its value for lack of praise.”

      Marcus Aurelius



      This unique composition, titled “Melting Pot”, is a large abstract painting that will find its place in all interiors, from the most classic to the most contemporary.

      “Melting Pot” is a visual fresco that unfolds on a vast canvas, inviting the viewer on a captivating journey through 13 “skits” distinct.

      Each scene is an exploration of textures, colors and artistic techniques, thus creating a kaleidoscope of visual emotions.

      Textures vary from smooth to rough, from glossy to matte, offering a true tactile feast for the eyes. Colors, as for them, come in an infinite palette, ranging from soft, calming hues to vibrant, bold pops. It is a chromatic symphony that knows how to move and intrigue.

      Which makes “Melting Pot” even more fascinating, these are the mixed techniques used. I exploited a diversity of materials and mediums to create unexpected effects. Subtle transitions and bold overlays bring a surprising dimension to the whole, inviting the eye to explore the smallest nooks and crannies of this living canvas.

      The overall harmony that emanates from “Melting Pot” is deeply original. Each scene interacts with the others to form a coherent whole, an abstract composition that reveals its own story at every moment. It is a work that evolves, which constantly reinvents itself, just like the interiors in which it takes place.

      Whether you're looking to add a bold touch to a classic room or enhance the aesthetic of a contemporary decor, “Melting Pot” is the answer.

      It is a work of art that transcends stylistic boundaries and will awaken creativity in any environment.

      She embodies the spirit of abstract art in all its splendor, capturing the complexity and richness of artistic diversity in unforgettable visual harmony.


      The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one’s destiny to do, and then do it.

      Henry Ford


      Facing the board “Jazzy”, you are instantly transported to the bustling streets of New Orleans.

      This large-scale work, on bright red background, plays us jazz tunes in a harmony of joyful colors, capturing the very essence of this iconic music.

      The warm colors of “Jazzy” brings back to us the captivating energy of this city, where jazz resonates day and night. Fiery hues of red and orange dance in perfect harmony, reminiscent of the electric atmosphere that reigns there. It’s a palette that shines like a brass improvisation under the spotlight of a jazz club.

      At the heart of the composition, invisible musicians seem to play with passion and virtuosity. Their silhouettes are drawn in the abstract lines of the painting, creating a feeling of movement and emotion. The invisible notes of their instruments blend into the canvas, inviting the viewer to feel the music vibrating in the air.

      The Red, color of passion, frenetic pace and emotional expression, is the common thread of “Jazzy”. It evokes the ardent soul of jazz, music that expresses joy, melancholy, and celebration of life. Each nuance reveals a facet of this iconic music.

      “Jazzy” is much more than a work of art ; it’s a sensory experience, a vibrant tribute to New Orleans, to its lively streets, to its intoxicating jazz. It’s a visual symphony that captures the essence of music in an explosion of color, where each brushstroke evokes a saxophone note or a drum rhythm.

    • LISBOA

      “Lisboa” immerses us in the heart of this incredible city, immortal through the words of Fernando Pessoa.

      This large canvas is a visual explosion of vibrant colors, intertwined, just like the facades of Lisbon itself.

      Colors, lively and diverse, mingle in a frantic dance, creating a visual kaleidoscope that reflects the richness and vitality of the Portuguese capital. But in the middle of this profusion of hues, a subtle melancholy emerges.

      Filigree, almost elusive but nevertheless present, a few lines from Pessoa's iconic poem blend into the canvas. “Lisbon with its houses of different colors” : these words, like distant whispers, evoke the monotony perceived by the author in the face of so much diversity. They recall the complex duality of Lisbon, a city where the brilliance of exterior colors contrasts with interior darkness, a city of paradoxes.

      This painting is a tribute to the Lisboa of Pessoa, a city where architectural diversity combines with a latent melancholy. The artist’s subtle nuances express the “missing” eternal that Fernando Pessoa had for this city, an indefinable feeling of nostalgia and love.

      “Lisboa” is much more than a canvas ; it is a visual meditation on the soul of the city and on the soul of those who travel through it. It is a reminder that even in the midst of constant diversity and change, a sweet melancholy persists, adding emotional depth to the beauty of colorful facades.

    • PIXELS


      Computers are useless. They only know how to give answers.

      Pablo Picasso



      “Nothing is impossible, only the limits of our minds define some things as inconceivable. “

      Marc Levy



      This is ‘Once upon a time’ – a captivating painting that skillfully interweaves 13 universe in a harmony of soft and natural colors.

      Each little piece is a bewitching invitation to tell a story, a timeless moment ‘Once upon a time’ who only asks to reveal himself.

      In this captivating composition, delicate shades dance harmoniously on the canvas, creating a tapestry of stories ready to be explored. Each element whispers a story, and contemplating the work, the magic of storytelling comes to life.

      Maybe in a corner, there is a serene forest bathed in the golden glow of the setting sun, while nearby, a universe awakens at the first light of dawn. Each segment tells its own story, inviting you to imagine the characters, the adventures and emotions that inhabit these miniature worlds.

      As an observer, you hold the pen to write the next chapter.

      Do you dare to venture into the mystical realms of the enchanted castle?, or will you follow the winding path through a wild field ? The possibilities are as endless as your imagination.

      'Once upon a time’ is not just a table ; it is an interactive web of dreams and tales.

      Let your creativity soar and, with every glance, discover a new story just waiting to be told.

      What story will you reveal in this magical montage?” ✨🖼️📖 #IlEtaitUneFois #NarrationArtistique #ImaginationDébrillée







      “You will never find what you are not looking for.”




      “Courage, this is what it takes to get up and talk.

      Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”


      Winston Churchill

      Politician, 1874 – 1965

    • SO… SO

      Dream your life in color, this is the secret of happiness.

      Walt disney

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