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      “Immerse yourself in a vibrant era with this seventies pop canvas with captivating geometric lines. Squares, rectangles, round, unite black, silver gray and orange, creating a dynamic visual symphony. The three little white dots add a touch of mystery. A work that brings the retro spirit into your interior, bringing an original and energetic atmosphere. Let yourself be seduced by this fusion of shapes and colors, an artistic invitation to redefine your space with a hint of nostalgia and a dose of modernity.”


      Do not imitate anything or anyone.

      A lion that copies a lion becomes a monkey.

      Victor hugo


      The brush is the white cane of the painter who seeks to move forward.

      From Gallieni


      If the sun enters the house, he's kinda in your heart.

      Le Corbusier


      Marseille, city of light and color.

      Victor hugo



      Make each day your masterpiece

      John Wooden



      Don’t limit your challenges. Challenge your limits.

    • TETRIS


      Don’t limit your challenges. Challenge your limits.



      Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.

      Helen Keller



      Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.

      Maya Angelou



      “Immerse yourself in a captivating universe where seventies nostalgia meets modern dynamism in this bold canvas. Two pinball balls, mirrored, evoke an effervescent energy at the heart of a pop design decor. Regular vintage lines capture the retro spirit, while the bright and dynamic colors transport the whole into a contemporary era. This artistic fusion creates a unique visual harmony, inviting a visual exploration where past and present meet in an explosion of shapes and colors. A canvas that adds a touch of vitality and style to any space, evoking the brilliance of pinball and the timeless aesthetic of the years 70.


      Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.

      Maya Angelou


      Cette oeuvre fait désormais partie du Conservatoire du Patrimoine du Concelho de Mafra – Portugal

      This diptych is a visual celebration of the lands of Provence and in particular, from the picturesque village of Roussillon.

      It evokes the softness and seduction of this region where the earth is imbued with sun and warm colors..

      The two panels of this diptych are a hymn to the beauty of the region's emblematic ochres.. Terracotta tones, scorched earth and brick red blend harmoniously, creating a rich and warm visual palette.

      The technique used to create this work is a true spectacle in itself. I let textures and effects emerge, giving a tactile dimension to the work.

      One of the most striking characteristics of “Roussillon” is its shiny and lustrous surface. The entire work is covered with a transparent resin which gives it an incomparable shine., thus reinforcing the essence and luminosity of the colors.

      This shine adds a touch of magic to the work, creating a play of light and reflections that invites deep contemplation.


    • FUSION

      "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can.

      Hate can't drive out hate, only love can. "

      Martin Luther King



      “One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye.”

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

    • ICARUS


      “If you can dream it, you can do it."

      Walt disney



      This work which embodies the spirit of perseverance, optimism and belief in a better future.

      At first sight, the eye is immediately drawn to the bright, warm colors that unfold on the canvas. Shades of red, yellow, of blue, green and other colors intertwine to form a complex and intriguing maze.

      This maze, which seems endless, represents life itself, with its challenges, its detours, his moments of joy and perplexity.

      The varied color palette symbolizes the diversity of the human experience. Each color evokes an emotion, a feeling, a unique moment in life.

      These colors mix and overlap, creating a visual kaleidoscope that reflects the complexity of our existence.

      “Never Give Up” invites the viewer to create their own story, to feel unique emotions and draw strength from the web.

      A canvas that exudes vitality, passion, determination and strength, remembering that life is an ever-changing journey.

      “Never Give Up” is tangible proof of the power of art to inspire, to move and encourage. He reminds us that art has the capacity to transcend words and the limits of communication.

      It’s a work that speaks to the heart, that evokes the soul and encourages each of us to persevere through difficult times.



      “There is no favorable wind for those who do not know where they are going.”


      Philosopher (4 of. J.-C. – 65 apr. J.-C. )

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