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      Discover “Sea Petals” : An Invitation to Travel

      A Fiery Atmosphere

      “Sea Petals” presents an abstract acrylic canvas that plunges into the fiery atmosphere of the roofs of Ericeira, at the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. This composition, dominated by red hues, evokes the picturesque atmosphere of the fishing village bathed in the golden light of the setting sun.

      A Marine Symbiosis

      The blue petals of the sea delicately fly away, evoking the ocean that borders Ericeira. These touches of blue capture the very essence of water, sea ​​spray and changing reflections which, par moments, blend into shades of green, recalling the diversity of hues of the Atlantic Ocean.

      An Artistic Exploration

      “Sea Petals” offers an artistic exploration of the symbiosis between marine life and the red roofs of Ericeira. This abstract work captures the beauty of this coastal village, mixing the heat of the roofs with the energy of the ocean in a rich and dynamic palette.


      Cette oeuvre fait désormais partie du Conservatoire du Patrimoine du Concelho de Mafra – Portugal

      This diptych is a visual celebration of the lands of Provence and in particular, from the picturesque village of Roussillon.

      It evokes the softness and seduction of this region where the earth is imbued with sun and warm colors..

      The two panels of this diptych are a hymn to the beauty of the region's emblematic ochres.. Terracotta tones, scorched earth and brick red blend harmoniously, creating a rich and warm visual palette.

      The technique used to create this work is a true spectacle in itself. I let textures and effects emerge, giving a tactile dimension to the work.

      One of the most striking characteristics of “Roussillon” is its shiny and lustrous surface. The entire work is covered with a transparent resin which gives it an incomparable shine., thus reinforcing the essence and luminosity of the colors.

      This shine adds a touch of magic to the work, creating a play of light and reflections that invites deep contemplation.




      “One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye.”

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

    • ICARUS


      “If you can dream it, you can do it."

      Walt disney


      The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one’s destiny to do, and then do it.

      Henry Ford


      "Life, it's not to wait for thunderstorms to pass, it's learning to dance in the rain. "



      "Dancing is creating a sculpture that is only visible for a moment. »

      Erol Ozan

    • GRANDOLA, Vila Morena

      “There is no happiness without freedom, nor freedom without courage.”



      “Passion grows because of the obstacles that are opposed to it.”


    • PIXELS


      Computers are useless. They only know how to give answers.

      Pablo Picasso



      “There is no favorable wind for those who do not know where they are going.”


      Philosopher (4 of. J.-C. – 65 apr. J.-C. )

    • SUNSET IN ERICEIRA, white village where the sea is more blue

      ”There are two ways of thinking.

      One is to believe that miracles do not exist.

      The other is to believe that everything is a miracle. "

      Albert Einstein


    • SO… SO

      Dream your life in color, this is the secret of happiness.

      Walt disney

    • TOKYO

      Dans l’effervescence électrique “TOKYO” vibre d’une énergie palpitante inébranlable.

      Les rouges profonds qui imprègnent la toile dévoilent l’âme ardente de la mégalopole, tandis que des éclats de couleurs vives, oranges et violets, dansent comme des lanternes urbaines illuminant la nuit. L’or qui se glisse entre les nuances nous renvoie à la richesse culturelle et l’éclat de la ville.

      Ce tableau abstrait est une invitation à plonger dans l’âme de Tokyo, une ville en perpétuelle mutation où la tradition rencontre la modernité.

      Les mouvements tourbillonnants de couleurs traduisent la fusion des cultures et le contraste des émotions

      Ce tableau est bien plus qu’une simple œuvre d’art abstraite il est une expérience sensorielle et émotionnelle, une célébration des mille et une facettes de cette ville fascinante.

      Que “TOKYO” vous emporte dans un voyage captivant et vous rappelle que la beauté de l’art réside dans sa capacité à capturer l’essence même de nos mondes les plus chers et de les exprimer avec passion et créativité.

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