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    • 72’s

      Immerse yourself in the retro world of the years 70 with this captivating canvas. Gradients of gray, beige and subtle swirls create a soft and pop work, a window to an era full of style and discovery. Let yourself be carried away by the soothing nuances, Let your imagination be free, and embark on a timeless journey through this canvas that evokes retro charm with a modern touch.


      "There is only one thing that can make a dream impossible, it's the fear of failing. »

      Paulo Coelho



      "If you are having a hard time, don't blame life. You are just getting stronger. »




      “There are no chances, there are only dates.”

      Paul Eluard




      Une Plongée dans le Spleen Londonien

      Plongez dans l’atmosphère envoûtante du Londres nostalgique avecLondon Shadow”, une toile captivante de 40 cm x 40 cm qui évoque le spleen londonien et la nostalgie d’une époque révolue.

      Une Palette de Gris Bleu, Mordoré, Or et Blanc

      Les tons de gris bleu, mordoré, or et blanc se mêlent harmonieusement pour créer une ambiance nébuleuse et mystérieuse, où les ombres dansent au rythme des souvenirs perdus.

      Une Invitation au Voyage

      Accrochée à votre mur, “London Shadowvous transporte instantanément dans un voyage intemporel à travers les rues sinueuses de Londres, où le passé et le présent se fondent dans une symphonie mélancolique.

      L’Essence du Londres Historique

      Cette œuvre d’art saisissante capture l’essence même de la capitale britannique, avec ses rues pavées chargées d’histoire, ses brumes matinales et ses lueurs dorées du crépuscule.

      Une Symphonie Mélancolique

      Laissez-vous envoûter par la magie deLondon Shadowet laissez votre imagination vagabonder dans les ruelles ombragées de cette ville emblématique.



      Believe in your dreams and maybe they will come true.

      Believe in yourself and they will surely come true.

      Martin Luther King



      In the heart of darkness, on a large format canvas with an evocative title, “Life is beautiful,” an explosion of color transcends the limits of abstraction.

      A black background, like the night, serves as a canvas for an extraordinary visual spectacle. Multicolored shards, bright and cheerful, dance in harmony to play a hymn to life.

      Every color, every line, seems to be a musical note . Multi-colored gestures create a striking contrast with the black background, symbolizing the duality of existence, the beauty that can emerge from even the darkest moments. Shapes and colors mix and separate, forming an intoxicating ballet that resonates with the optimism and vitality of life.

      Colors evoke the diversity and richness of the human experience. Each shade represents an emotion, one moment, a memory. The whole work resembles a kaleidoscope of stories and sensations, a tribute to the complexity of existence.

      “Life is beautiful” reminds us that life is a painting on which we can paint our own colors and create our own melody. It's a celebration of optimism, resilience, and joy that can arise even in the darkest times. It is a reminder that, despite the challenges and uncertainties of existence, the beauty and magic of life persists.




      “We have two lives. The second starts when you realize you only have one. "


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