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    • SAIGON



      “Winners find ways, the losers excuses.”

      Franklin D. Roosevelt


      « Art does not reproduce the visible, he makes visible. »

      Theory of Modern Art

      Paul Klee 1879-1940


      “Real art is about giving body and soul to the creative sensation, without worrying about its impermanence.”


    • LUCIE


      “Perform every act of your life as if it had to be the last.”

      Marcus Aurelius

    • FATIMA

      The work entitled “Our Lady of Fatima” is a tribute to the essence of the Portuguese soul through the abstract portrait of the Virgin Mary, which appeared in the Portuguese city of Fátima.

      At the heart of this canvas, a strong and elegant figure emerges through a harmony of dazzling colors, with a mysterious face that evokes the wisdom and depth of the Portuguese soul.

      Her abstract portrait is a tribute to her role in the country's history and the devotion she inspired. It's a celebration of love, of the faith and resilience that characterize the Portuguese people.

      The work “Our Lady of Fatima” is a reminder of traditions, colours, landscapes and emotions that shape this extraordinary nation. It is a visual metaphor for the pride and beauty of Portugal, an ode to cultural heritage that continues to shine through generations, une invitation to explore the soul of a nation through the magic of abstract art.


    • ALPHA

      “Be the change you want to see in the world”


    • SUNSET IN ERICEIRA, white village where the sea is more blue

      ”There are two ways of thinking.

      One is to believe that miracles do not exist.

      The other is to believe that everything is a miracle. "

      Albert Einstein


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