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      “We use colors, but we paint with the feeling”

      Jean Chardin

      Artist, writer (1643 – 1713)

    • WHY

      "Change is a door that only opens from within"

      Tom Peters

    • Poppies


      “When you get up in the morning, remember how precious is the privilege of living, to breathe, be happy.”

      Marcus Aurelius

      Emperor, Roman philosopher and writer



      “It is not necessary to turn off another's light for our own to shine.”


    • FUSION

      "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can.

      Hate can't drive out hate, only love can. "

      Martin Luther King



      “California Burning” is a bold artistic expression that captures the intensity of the California wildfires through a fiery dance of red and gold windows against a deep black background. This rectangular canvas of 120 cm x 80 cm evokes a nocturnal scene where the flames seem to dance to the rhythm of a mysterious energy.

      Each of these “Windows” seems like a door to another world, an alternative reality where heat and light combine in a captivating dance. The juxtaposition of vibrant red and sparkling gold creates a striking contrast that immediately catches the eye.

      The contours of the windows seem to follow an invisible choreography, creating dynamic movement on the canvas. Shades of red evoke both fiery passion and consuming flames, while gold brings a touch of luxury and mystery to this captivating composition.

      “California Burning” transcends the limits of physical reality to immerse the viewer in a meditative state, inviting the contemplation of this fiery dance. This captivating work offers a powerful and poetic visual interpretation of the duality between the tragic beauty of the California wildfires and the creative force that emerges from the darkness. 🔥

      #CaliforniaBurning #AbstractArt #InflamedDance #ArtisticFlames

      “In art, everything comes simultaneously or nothing comes.”

      Albert Camus

      Writer, philosopher 1913 – 1960


    • lenon baille toile about


      “It’s not the wind that decides your destination, this is the orientation you give to your sail. The wind is the same for everyone.”


      Jim rohn

    • LUCIE


      “Perform every act of your life as if it had to be the last.”

      Marcus Aurelius



      “There is no favorable wind for those who do not know where they are going.”


      Philosopher (4 of. J.-C. – 65 apr. J.-C. )



      “Let's be thankful for the people who make us happy.

      They are the gardeners who make our soul bloom.”

      Marcel Proust

    • JACKSON 5


      “The real journey is not to seek new landscapes,

      but to have new eyes. ”

      Marcel Proust



      “Courage, this is what it takes to get up and talk.

      Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”


      Winston Churchill

      Politician, 1874 – 1965

    • FATIMA

      The work entitled “Our Lady of Fatima” is a tribute to the essence of the Portuguese soul through the abstract portrait of the Virgin Mary, which appeared in the Portuguese city of Fátima.

      At the heart of this canvas, a strong and elegant figure emerges through a harmony of dazzling colors, with a mysterious face that evokes the wisdom and depth of the Portuguese soul.

      Her abstract portrait is a tribute to her role in the country's history and the devotion she inspired. It's a celebration of love, of the faith and resilience that characterize the Portuguese people.

      The work “Our Lady of Fatima” is a reminder of traditions, colours, landscapes and emotions that shape this extraordinary nation. It is a visual metaphor for the pride and beauty of Portugal, an ode to cultural heritage that continues to shine through generations, une invitation to explore the soul of a nation through the magic of abstract art.




      “The difference between the possible and the impossible is in determination.”


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