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    • MAGMA


      Magma” is much more than just a canvas, it is a true immersion in the depths of the soul of the Earth.

      This work is a window open to the mysteries buried beneath our feet.

      She doesn't just decorate a wall, but it tells a fascinating story of life force, journey to the heart of the Earth to tap into primordial energy.

      Imagine yourself undertaking a daring journey, descending into the depths of the earth's crust to reach the burning core. This is where the mother energy resides, the brute force that has driven our planet for millennia. “Magma” captures this essence in its flames of incandescent colors, reminiscent of the tumultuous fusion of rocks and minerals that fuels the bowels of the Earth.

      Each colored pigment seems to be a messenger of this unalterable power, dancing and spinning like flames in an eternal inferno. The flamboyant shades evoke the stifling heat of the depths, hinting at the fusion of elements.

      Hang “Magma” in your space is like inviting this primal energy into your home.

      It’s an ode to resilience, to perseverance and the raw beauty of nature.

      When you contemplate this explosion of colors, let yourself be carried away by the thrill of adventure and the fascination of the unknown.

      “Magma” is much more than a work of art, it is a gateway to the very essence of life on Earth.



      Discover “West Side Story” : An Explosion of Colors

      A Visual Symphony

      “West Side Story” offers a captivating visual and musical experience. This acrylic paint, generously sized 100 cm x 100 cm, presents a mysterious spectacle where bright colors, sometimes fluorescent, dance with incredible energy.

      An Abstract Choreography

      Colorful flights mingle in a symphony of shapes and nuances, evoking the passion and rhythm of an abstract choreography. Each brush stroke seems to be a musical note, each burst of color a pulse in this dynamic visual story.

      A Celebration of Abstraction

      “West Side Story” transcends traditional art to become a sensory experience. It invites you to immerse yourself in a world where color and movement intertwine in an endless dance. It is a celebration of abstraction, music, energy and unbridled creativity.

      May this canvas be an invitation to explore, feel and let yourself be carried away where each burst of color tells its own story in this dynamic artistic composition.



      “Immerse yourself in a vibrant era with this seventies pop canvas with captivating geometric lines. Squares, rectangles, round, unite black, silver gray and orange, creating a dynamic visual symphony. The three little white dots add a touch of mystery. A work that brings the retro spirit into your interior, bringing an original and energetic atmosphere. Let yourself be seduced by this fusion of shapes and colors, an artistic invitation to redefine your space with a hint of nostalgia and a dose of modernity.”


      Do not imitate anything or anyone.

      A lion that copies a lion becomes a monkey.

      Victor hugo


      Marseille, city of light and color.

      Victor hugo



      “Méli Mélo”: A Colorful and Fluorescent Puzzle

      Discover “Méli Mélo”, an artistic puzzle that bursts with bright, fluorescent colors. Each piece of this polyptych 9 canvases, measuring 40 cm x 40 cm, is an explosion of red shades, verte, yellow and many others. This original composition evokes a feeling of joy, vitality and positive energy.

      Exhibition Flexibility

      “Méli Mélo” is a real puzzle game for art lovers. Each canvas can be arranged individually or combined with others to create a variety of unique configurations. With its exhibition flexibility, this work offers a customizable visual experience that adapts to all spaces and ambiances.

      Immerse yourself in this colorful puzzle and let yourself be transported by the dynamics and positive energy of “Méli Mélo”. This playful and captivating work is a tribute to creativity and diversity, which brings a touch of good humor and vitality to your interior.



      Make each day your masterpiece

      John Wooden



      Don’t limit your challenges. Challenge your limits.

    • TETRIS


      Don’t limit your challenges. Challenge your limits.



      Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.

      Helen Keller



      “One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye.”

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

    • ICARUS


      “If you can dream it, you can do it."

      Walt disney


      The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one’s destiny to do, and then do it.

      Henry Ford



      “The happiest people don't have the best.

      They just do the best they can with everything they have. "


      “You will never find what you are not looking for.”




      In the heart of darkness, on a large format canvas with an evocative title, “Life is beautiful,” an explosion of color transcends the limits of abstraction.

      A black background, like the night, serves as a canvas for an extraordinary visual spectacle. Multicolored shards, bright and cheerful, dance in harmony to play a hymn to life.

      Every color, every line, seems to be a musical note . Multi-colored gestures create a striking contrast with the black background, symbolizing the duality of existence, the beauty that can emerge from even the darkest moments. Shapes and colors mix and separate, forming an intoxicating ballet that resonates with the optimism and vitality of life.

      Colors evoke the diversity and richness of the human experience. Each shade represents an emotion, one moment, a memory. The whole work resembles a kaleidoscope of stories and sensations, a tribute to the complexity of existence.

      “Life is beautiful” reminds us that life is a painting on which we can paint our own colors and create our own melody. It's a celebration of optimism, resilience, and joy that can arise even in the darkest times. It is a reminder that, despite the challenges and uncertainties of existence, the beauty and magic of life persists.


    • SINTRA



      “All men think happiness is at the top of the mountain,

      then it lies in how to climb it. "

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