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    • MAGMA


      Magma” is much more than just a canvas, it is a true immersion in the depths of the soul of the Earth.

      This work is a window open to the mysteries buried beneath our feet.

      She doesn't just decorate a wall, but it tells a fascinating story of life force, journey to the heart of the Earth to tap into primordial energy.

      Imagine yourself undertaking a daring journey, descending into the depths of the earth's crust to reach the burning core. This is where the mother energy resides, the brute force that has driven our planet for millennia. “Magma” captures this essence in its flames of incandescent colors, reminiscent of the tumultuous fusion of rocks and minerals that fuels the bowels of the Earth.

      Each colored pigment seems to be a messenger of this unalterable power, dancing and spinning like flames in an eternal inferno. The flamboyant shades evoke the stifling heat of the depths, hinting at the fusion of elements.

      Hang “Magma” in your space is like inviting this primal energy into your home.

      It’s an ode to resilience, to perseverance and the raw beauty of nature.

      When you contemplate this explosion of colors, let yourself be carried away by the thrill of adventure and the fascination of the unknown.

      “Magma” is much more than a work of art, it is a gateway to the very essence of life on Earth.

    • LILOU


      Discover “Lilou” : Une Envolée de Couleurs et d’Énergie

      Une Œuvre Captivante : “Lilou”

      Immerse yourself in the world of “Lilou”, un tableau acrylique sur toile multicolore qui propose une envolée de couleurs vives formant un mouvement tel un envol. Cette œuvre se distingue par son utilisation magistrale des couleurs pour évoquer une énergie débordante.

      Une Palette de Couleurs Éclatantes

      “Lilou” se caractérise par une palette de couleurs vives : un rouge ardent, un bleu apaisant, du orange et du blanc. Ces teintes se combinent pour former un élan d’énergie visuelle qui capte immédiatement l’attention. Chaque couleur est soigneusement choisie pour créer une harmonie dynamique et envoûtante.

      Un Élan d’Énergie et de Vie

      Les couleurs vives de “Lilou” s’entrelacent et se propulsent vers le haut, symbolisant un mouvement ascendant et un envol. Ce dynamisme est une métaphore visuelle de l’énergie vitale et de la joie pure. L’élan de cette composition évoque la force et la vivacité de la vie elle-même.

      Une Création Remplie d’Émotion

      “Lilou” a été réalisée le jour de la naissance de la petite fille de ma sœur de cœur. Cette toile est imprégnée d’émotions profondes et de bonheur, célébrant un nouveau départ et la beauté de la vie naissante. Chaque coup de pinceau reflète la joie et l’amour entourant cet événement spécial.

      Pourquoi Choisir “Lilou” ?

      Adopter “Lilou” dans votre espace, c’est choisir une œuvre qui apporte une touche d’énergie et de positivité. Parfait pour une galerie personnelle, un salon contemporain ou un espace de travail, cette toile insufflera une ambiance inspirante et pleine de vie.

      Immerse yourself in the world of “Lilou” et laissez-vous transporter par cette envolée de couleurs et d’émotions, où chaque nuance raconte une histoire et chaque mouvement évoque une énergie débordante et joyeuse.


      When we dare, we are often wrong.

      When we don't dare, we are always wrong.

      Romain Rolland.



      Life will put stones in your path.

      It's up to you to decide whether to make walls or bridges.



      "If you are having a hard time, don't blame life. You are just getting stronger. »


    • MIST


      “Accept what is, let go of what was and have confidence in what will be.”



      Cette oeuvre fait désormais partie du Conservatoire du Patrimoine du Concelho de Mafra – Portugal

      This diptych is a visual celebration of the lands of Provence and in particular, from the picturesque village of Roussillon.

      It evokes the softness and seduction of this region where the earth is imbued with sun and warm colors..

      The two panels of this diptych are a hymn to the beauty of the region's emblematic ochres.. Terracotta tones, scorched earth and brick red blend harmoniously, creating a rich and warm visual palette.

      The technique used to create this work is a true spectacle in itself. I let textures and effects emerge, giving a tactile dimension to the work.

      One of the most striking characteristics of “Roussillon” is its shiny and lustrous surface. The entire work is covered with a transparent resin which gives it an incomparable shine., thus reinforcing the essence and luminosity of the colors.

      This shine adds a touch of magic to the work, creating a play of light and reflections that invites deep contemplation.


    • FUSION

      "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can.

      Hate can't drive out hate, only love can. "

      Martin Luther King



      “One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye.”

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

    • ICARUS


      “If you can dream it, you can do it."

      Walt disney



      “California Burning” is a bold artistic expression that captures the intensity of the California wildfires through a fiery dance of red and gold windows against a deep black background. This rectangular canvas of 120 cm x 80 cm evokes a nocturnal scene where the flames seem to dance to the rhythm of a mysterious energy.

      Each of these “Windows” seems like a door to another world, an alternative reality where heat and light combine in a captivating dance. The juxtaposition of vibrant red and sparkling gold creates a striking contrast that immediately catches the eye.

      The contours of the windows seem to follow an invisible choreography, creating dynamic movement on the canvas. Shades of red evoke both fiery passion and consuming flames, while gold brings a touch of luxury and mystery to this captivating composition.

      “California Burning” transcends the limits of physical reality to immerse the viewer in a meditative state, inviting the contemplation of this fiery dance. This captivating work offers a powerful and poetic visual interpretation of the duality between the tragic beauty of the California wildfires and the creative force that emerges from the darkness. 🔥

      #CaliforniaBurning #AbstractArt #InflamedDance #ArtisticFlames

      “In art, everything comes simultaneously or nothing comes.”

      Albert Camus

      Writer, philosopher 1913 – 1960


    • lenon baille toile about


      “It’s not the wind that decides your destination, this is the orientation you give to your sail. The wind is the same for everyone.”


      Jim rohn


      The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one’s destiny to do, and then do it.

      Henry Ford



      “No one knows what they are capable of until they try it”




      “There is no favorable wind for those who do not know where they are going.”


      Philosopher (4 of. J.-C. – 65 apr. J.-C. )

    • KILT


      “To achieve a truly extraordinary thing, start by dreaming it. ”

      Walt disney

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