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    • LILOU


      Discover “Lilou” : Une Envolée de Couleurs et d’Énergie

      Une Œuvre Captivante : “Lilou”

      Immerse yourself in the world of “Lilou”, un tableau acrylique sur toile multicolore qui propose une envolée de couleurs vives formant un mouvement tel un envol. Cette œuvre se distingue par son utilisation magistrale des couleurs pour évoquer une énergie débordante.

      Une Palette de Couleurs Éclatantes

      “Lilou” se caractérise par une palette de couleurs vives : un rouge ardent, un bleu apaisant, du orange et du blanc. Ces teintes se combinent pour former un élan d’énergie visuelle qui capte immédiatement l’attention. Chaque couleur est soigneusement choisie pour créer une harmonie dynamique et envoûtante.

      Un Élan d’Énergie et de Vie

      Les couleurs vives de “Lilou” s’entrelacent et se propulsent vers le haut, symbolisant un mouvement ascendant et un envol. Ce dynamisme est une métaphore visuelle de l’énergie vitale et de la joie pure. L’élan de cette composition évoque la force et la vivacité de la vie elle-même.

      Une Création Remplie d’Émotion

      “Lilou” a été réalisée le jour de la naissance de la petite fille de ma sœur de cœur. Cette toile est imprégnée d’émotions profondes et de bonheur, célébrant un nouveau départ et la beauté de la vie naissante. Chaque coup de pinceau reflète la joie et l’amour entourant cet événement spécial.

      Pourquoi Choisir “Lilou” ?

      Adopter “Lilou” dans votre espace, c’est choisir une œuvre qui apporte une touche d’énergie et de positivité. Parfait pour une galerie personnelle, un salon contemporain ou un espace de travail, cette toile insufflera une ambiance inspirante et pleine de vie.

      Immerse yourself in the world of “Lilou” et laissez-vous transporter par cette envolée de couleurs et d’émotions, où chaque nuance raconte une histoire et chaque mouvement évoque une énergie débordante et joyeuse.

    • TILES





      Azure Kaleidoscope” is an enchanting invitation into an abstract world where the harmony of blues unfolds like a dream. This small acrylic work on canvas, intimate format, unveils a captivating visual kaleidoscope. I explore the richness of shades of blue with an abstract approach., creating imaginary windows that open onto distinct horizons of celestial tones.

      The different blues are treated as so many facets of the same visual experience, evoking the diversity of emotions that this color can inspire. From deep azures to lighter celestial tones, each window of blue captures a unique moment in the painting, inviting the viewer to explore the subtle variations of this rich and soothing palette.

      “Azure Kaleidoscope” transcends the limits of physical reality to transport the viewer to a universe where abstraction becomes a gateway to the imagination. Shades of blue, carefully arranged, captivate the eye and create an atmosphere of serenity. This work presents itself as a visual meditation, an immersion in the soothing beauty of the azure, captured by my creative soul .

      #KaleidoscopeAzure #AbstractArt #BluesInHarmony #AcrylicPainting #SmallFormat #ArtisticExploration #BlueWindows #ChromaticPalette #VisualExpression #ArtisticSerenity #BlueInspiration #VisualMeditation #AzureAbstract #ContemporaryArt #LénonB #ArtOnCanvas #ChromaticHarmony #AbstractUniverse #ArtisticDream #PaletteB leue #VisualImagination #ArtistComposition #EmotionsInBlue #FusionOfTons #ChromaticRichesse # WindowsTowardsTheImaginary #InspiringArt




      Explore “Celestial Kaleidoscope” : A Visual Odyssey

      A Palette of Heavenly Blues

      “Celestial Kaleidoscope” plunges us into a world of celestial blues, a visual odyssey where the harmony of nuances unfolds like a shooting star. This little acrylic canvas, in an intimate format, reveals a captivating visual.

      An Abstract Exploration

      I explore the richness of celestial blues with an abstract approach, creating imaginary windows that open onto ethereal horizons. Celestial nuances are treated as so many facets of the same visual experience, evoking the diversity of emotions that this color can inspire.

      A Visual Meditation

      “Celestial Kaleidoscope” transports the viewer to a universe where abstraction becomes a gateway to the imagination. Shades of blue, carefully arranged, captivate the eye and create an atmosphere of serenity. This work presents itself as a visual meditation, an immersion in the soothing beauty of the celestial, captured by my creative soul.



      Explore “Indigo Kaleidoscope” : A Bewitching Invitation

      A Palette of Deep Blues

      “Indigo Kaleidoscope” transports you to a world of deep blues, a bewitching invitation where the harmony of nuances unfolds like a dream. This little acrylic canvas, in an intimate format, unveils a captivating visual kaleidoscope.

      An Abstract Exploration

      I explore the richness of indigo blues with an abstract approach., creating imaginary windows that open onto distinct horizons. Indigo shades are treated as so many facets of the same visual experience, evoking the diversity of emotions that this color can inspire.

      A Visual Meditation

      “Indigo Kaleidoscope” transports the viewer to a universe where abstraction becomes a gateway to the imagination. Shades of blue, carefully arranged, captivate the eye and create an atmosphere of serenity. This work presents itself as a visual meditation, an immersion in the soothing beauty of indigo, captured by my creative soul.


      “Adventure is the treasure we discover every morning.”

      Jacques Brel



      “The earth is blue like an orange.”

      Paul Eluard

      Artist, writer, Poet 1895 – 1952

    • NAXOS


      We all have two lives. The second one starts when we realize we only have one.



      When we dare, we are often wrong.

      When we don't dare, we are always wrong.

      Romain Rolland.



      Life will put stones in your path.

      It's up to you to decide whether to make walls or bridges.

    • EARTH



      Pablo Picasso



      "If you are having a hard time, don't blame life. You are just getting stronger. »


    • CANDY

      All grown-ups were children first, but few of them remember."

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

    • MINI 1


      Happiness is the only thing that multiplies when you share it.

      Albert Schweitzer

    • MINI 2


      The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination.

      Carl Rogers

    • MINI 3


      The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.

      Jimmy Johnson

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