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    • Mini Lénon 85


      Lénon's Minis : Small Canvases, Great Happiness !

      Explore Lénon’s Minis

      Lénon's Minis are true artistic treasures to discover. These are small acrylic paintings on canvas, accompanied by a master key, ready to be framed to beautify your interior.

      A Creation that Inspires

      Lénon B once said : “There are creations that prove that the grandeur of a work can be reinvented in a small space.” These words resonate in every Lénon Mini, where passion and creativity are concentrated in every square centimeter.

      A Palette of Happiness

      Each Lénon Mini is an explosion of color, an invitation to joy and wonder. Let yourself be transported by their charm and create your own artistic oasis by combining them according to your desires.

      Create Your Personal Gallery

      With Lénon’s Minis, creation is in your hands. Explore, discover and create your personal art gallery, where each Mini tells a story and each frame is a work of art in itself.

    • Mini Lénon 91


      Lénon's Minis : Small Canvases, Great Happiness !

      Explore Lénon’s Minis

      Lénon's Minis are true artistic treasures to discover. These are small acrylic paintings on canvas, accompanied by a master key, ready to be framed to beautify your interior.

      A Creation that Inspires

      Lénon B once said : “There are creations that prove that the grandeur of a work can be reinvented in a small space.” These words resonate in every Lénon Mini, where passion and creativity are concentrated in every square centimeter.

      A Palette of Happiness

      Each Lénon Mini is an explosion of color, an invitation to joy and wonder. Let yourself be transported by their charm and create your own artistic oasis by combining them according to your desires.

      Create Your Personal Gallery

      With Lénon’s Minis, creation is in your hands. Explore, discover and create your personal art gallery, where each Mini tells a story and each frame is a work of art in itself.

    • Mini Lénon 92


      Lénon's Minis : Small Canvases, Great Happiness !

      Explore Lénon’s Minis

      Lénon's Minis are true artistic treasures to discover. These are small acrylic paintings on canvas, accompanied by a master key, ready to be framed to beautify your interior.

      A Creation that Inspires

      Lénon B once said : “There are creations that prove that the grandeur of a work can be reinvented in a small space.” These words resonate in every Lénon Mini, where passion and creativity are concentrated in every square centimeter.

      A Palette of Happiness

      Each Lénon Mini is an explosion of color, an invitation to joy and wonder. Let yourself be transported by their charm and create your own artistic oasis by combining them according to your desires.

      Create Your Personal Gallery

      With Lénon’s Minis, creation is in your hands. Explore, discover and create your personal art gallery, where each Mini tells a story and each frame is a work of art in itself.

    • Mini Lénon 93


      Lénon's Minis : Nuggets of Happiness to Frame

      Discover Lénon’s Minis

      Lénon's Minis are small acrylic paintings on canvas, accompanied by a master key. Simply frame them to achieve the most striking visual effect.. These little wonders are real nuggets of happiness !

      An Inspired Creation

      “There are creations that prove that the grandeur of a work can be reinvented in a small space.” – Lenon B

      An Invitation to Creativity

      These little canvases carry creativity in each of them, the positive energy and passion for the colors of their creator. They are an invitation to discovery, to wonder and creation.

      Create Your Exclusive Composition

      Find the ones that resonate with you, let yourself be carried away by their unique charm. Combine several to create your exclusive composition, your own personal art gallery. With Lénon’s Minis, the greatness of art is reinvented in every little detail.

    • Mini Lénon 94


      Lénon's Minis : Nuggets of Happiness to Frame

      Discover Lénon’s Minis

      Lénon's Minis are small acrylic paintings on canvas, accompanied by a master key. Simply frame them to achieve the most striking visual effect.. These little wonders are real nuggets of happiness !

      An Inspired Creation

      “There are creations that prove that the grandeur of a work can be reinvented in a small space.” – Lenon B

      An Invitation to Creativity

      These little canvases carry creativity in each of them, the positive energy and passion for the colors of their creator. They are an invitation to discovery, to wonder and creation.

      Create Your Exclusive Composition

      Find the ones that resonate with you, let yourself be carried away by their unique charm. Combine several to create your exclusive composition, your own personal art gallery. With Lénon’s Minis, the greatness of art is reinvented in every little detail.

    • LILOU


      Discover “Lilou” : Une Envolée de Couleurs et d’Énergie

      Une Œuvre Captivante : “Lilou”

      Immerse yourself in the world of “Lilou”, un tableau acrylique sur toile multicolore qui propose une envolée de couleurs vives formant un mouvement tel un envol. Cette œuvre se distingue par son utilisation magistrale des couleurs pour évoquer une énergie débordante.

      Une Palette de Couleurs Éclatantes

      “Lilou” se caractérise par une palette de couleurs vives : un rouge ardent, un bleu apaisant, du orange et du blanc. Ces teintes se combinent pour former un élan d’énergie visuelle qui capte immédiatement l’attention. Chaque couleur est soigneusement choisie pour créer une harmonie dynamique et envoûtante.

      Un Élan d’Énergie et de Vie

      Les couleurs vives de “Lilou” s’entrelacent et se propulsent vers le haut, symbolisant un mouvement ascendant et un envol. Ce dynamisme est une métaphore visuelle de l’énergie vitale et de la joie pure. L’élan de cette composition évoque la force et la vivacité de la vie elle-même.

      Une Création Remplie d’Émotion

      “Lilou” a été réalisée le jour de la naissance de la petite fille de ma sœur de cœur. Cette toile est imprégnée d’émotions profondes et de bonheur, célébrant un nouveau départ et la beauté de la vie naissante. Chaque coup de pinceau reflète la joie et l’amour entourant cet événement spécial.

      Pourquoi Choisir “Lilou” ?

      Adopter “Lilou” dans votre espace, c’est choisir une œuvre qui apporte une touche d’énergie et de positivité. Parfait pour une galerie personnelle, un salon contemporain ou un espace de travail, cette toile insufflera une ambiance inspirante et pleine de vie.

      Immerse yourself in the world of “Lilou” et laissez-vous transporter par cette envolée de couleurs et d’émotions, où chaque nuance raconte une histoire et chaque mouvement évoque une énergie débordante et joyeuse.

    • TOTO


      There's only one way to fail, is to give up before having succeeded

      Georges Clemenceau



      An exclusive artistic concept that offers you freedom to create your own personal composition.

      Each canvas is a piece of an artistic puzzle linked to the others to create an original work of art. 20 canvases of 40 cm x 40 cm.

      These pieces can be displayed together, in order, randomly or individually, according to individual preferences.

      You have the power to maintain continuity or reinvent everything.

      Choose from canvases, compose Your unique work !

      An artwork, endless combinations, the freedom to compose together !

    • SAIGON



      “Winners find ways, the losers excuses.”

      Franklin D. Roosevelt



      “It is not necessary to turn off another's light for our own to shine.”


    • MIST


      “Accept what is, let go of what was and have confidence in what will be.”



      Cette oeuvre fait désormais partie du Conservatoire du Patrimoine du Concelho de Mafra – Portugal

      This diptych is a visual celebration of the lands of Provence and in particular, from the picturesque village of Roussillon.

      It evokes the softness and seduction of this region where the earth is imbued with sun and warm colors..

      The two panels of this diptych are a hymn to the beauty of the region's emblematic ochres.. Terracotta tones, scorched earth and brick red blend harmoniously, creating a rich and warm visual palette.

      The technique used to create this work is a true spectacle in itself. I let textures and effects emerge, giving a tactile dimension to the work.

      One of the most striking characteristics of “Roussillon” is its shiny and lustrous surface. The entire work is covered with a transparent resin which gives it an incomparable shine., thus reinforcing the essence and luminosity of the colors.

      This shine adds a touch of magic to the work, creating a play of light and reflections that invites deep contemplation.


    • NO NAME


      “The emerald does not lose its value for lack of praise.”

      Marcus Aurelius


      « Art does not reproduce the visible, he makes visible. »

      Theory of Modern Art

      Paul Klee 1879-1940


      “Real art is about giving body and soul to the creative sensation, without worrying about its impermanence.”


    • DAVID


      “Nothing is ever over, it just takes a little happiness to start it all over again.”


      Emile Zola

      Writer, french journalist,

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