Because it’s never too late to follow your dreams...
I invite you to join my international artistic adventure in 2025.
💛 To make it happen, I need you ! 💛
I am Lénon B, a contemporary artist.
My paintings, created with passion, are echoes of my emotions, a dialogue between shapes and colors, where each piece tells a story.
From abstract to modern design, I invite you to immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no bounds.
Step into my universe, and let yourself be carried away by my creations.
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* For Any Order Over 250 €

Where Color Meets Emotion and Soul : Discover Unique Abstract Art.
These artworks add a contemporary touch to your spaces, igniting emotion and imagination through pure color expression.

Capture the '70s: Bright Colors and Bold Geometry
Discover the Retro-Pop Collection, inspired by the vibrant '70s. Featuring geometric patterns and bold colors, these artworks add energy and character to your walls, transforming any space with a lively touch of vintage style.
Greatness can be reinvented in any space : Choose the perfect size and shape for your next masterpiece
Rectangular Paintings: Elegance and Dynamism for Your Interior Explore my rectangular paintings,...
Curious ? Click to Discover My Artistic Journey!

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Lenon's Blog | Art Conversations
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The Credibility Debate: Trained vs. Self-Taught...
This article delves into the debate surrounding the credibility of trained versus self-taught artists. It examines the unique journeys of each, highlighting the technical foundations provided by formal education and...
The Credibility Debate: Trained vs. Self-Taught...
This article delves into the debate surrounding the credibility of trained versus self-taught artists. It examines the unique journeys of each, highlighting the technical foundations provided by formal education and...
The Artist’s Personality: Does It Affect How We...
The Artist’s Personality: A Key Factor in Art Appreciation? Imagine acquiring a stunning piece of art that deeply resonates with you, hanging it in your living room, and admiring it...
The Artist’s Personality: Does It Affect How We...
The Artist’s Personality: A Key Factor in Art Appreciation? Imagine acquiring a stunning piece of art that deeply resonates with you, hanging it in your living room, and admiring it...
The Essence of Art: More Than Just Aesthetic Un...
This article delves into the essence of art, defining it as a profound manifestation of human expression that transcends cultural boundaries. It explores the emotional power of art, its reflection...
The Essence of Art: More Than Just Aesthetic Un...
This article delves into the essence of art, defining it as a profound manifestation of human expression that transcends cultural boundaries. It explores the emotional power of art, its reflection...
Art Exhibitions and Events
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Support My Artistic Journey: Join My Crowdfundi...
Join my 2025 artistic journey ! Your support will help me exhibit at SM'ART Aix-en-Provence, France and the Artist Meeting in Knokke, Belgium. Even €1 makes a difference ! Discover exclusive...
Support My Artistic Journey: Join My Crowdfundi...
Join my 2025 artistic journey ! Your support will help me exhibit at SM'ART Aix-en-Provence, France and the Artist Meeting in Knokke, Belgium. Even €1 makes a difference ! Discover exclusive...
My Selection for the Artist Meeting in Knokke: ...
Discover my selection for the Artist Meeting in Knokke, a prestigious event where emerging and established artists meet. A unique moment to share my artistic vision with collectors, gallery owners,...
My Selection for the Artist Meeting in Knokke: ...
Discover my selection for the Artist Meeting in Knokke, a prestigious event where emerging and established artists meet. A unique moment to share my artistic vision with collectors, gallery owners,...
I Invite You to Sm'Art 2025 | Come Discover My ...
Come discover the artistic universe of Lénon B. at Sm'Art 2025 in Aix-en-Provence ! From April 30th to May 4th, 2025, visit her at stand A42 in Parc Jourdan for her...
I Invite You to Sm'Art 2025 | Come Discover My ...
Come discover the artistic universe of Lénon B. at Sm'Art 2025 in Aix-en-Provence ! From April 30th to May 4th, 2025, visit her at stand A42 in Parc Jourdan for her...
Masterpiece Of The Month
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The Destiny of Teresa: A Magical Encounter Betw...
The Destiny of Teresa: A Magical Encounter Between Art and Soul Explore the touching journey of Teresa, an artwork that found its true home through a powerful connection between the artist...
1 commentThe Destiny of Teresa: A Magical Encounter Betw...
The Destiny of Teresa: A Magical Encounter Between Art and Soul Explore the touching journey of Teresa, an artwork that found its true home through a powerful connection between the artist...
1 comment -
The Final Touch
The Final Touch: A large canvas receiving its final layer of varnish under delicate brushstrokes. This moment captures the bittersweet farewell of an artist sealing their creative journey. The interplay...
The Final Touch
The Final Touch: A large canvas receiving its final layer of varnish under delicate brushstrokes. This moment captures the bittersweet farewell of an artist sealing their creative journey. The interplay...
Lenon B’s "MAGMA" is an explosion of vibrant colors against a black background, capturing the Earth's primal energy. A swirling vortex of fiery hues invites you to explore its depth....
Lenon B’s "MAGMA" is an explosion of vibrant colors against a black background, capturing the Earth's primal energy. A swirling vortex of fiery hues invites you to explore its depth....
Artists To Discover
Interview de Sonia Mathey et Philippe Lanson
In this insightful interview, Lénon B speaks with artists Sonia Mathey and Philippe Lanson about their project "Post-Scriptum History." They explore the intersection of photography and forgotten places, emphasizing their...
Interview de Sonia Mathey et Philippe Lanson
In this insightful interview, Lénon B speaks with artists Sonia Mathey and Philippe Lanson about their project "Post-Scriptum History." They explore the intersection of photography and forgotten places, emphasizing their...
Sonia and Robert Delaunay: Icons of Modern Art
Dive into the bold and colorful world of Sonia and Robert Delaunay, the groundbreaking couple who revolutionized modern art with their visionary works. Click to read more!
Sonia and Robert Delaunay: Icons of Modern Art
Dive into the bold and colorful world of Sonia and Robert Delaunay, the groundbreaking couple who revolutionized modern art with their visionary works. Click to read more!
Victor Vasarely: The Lines of His Genius Shape ...
Explore the fascinating world of Victor Vasarely, the pioneer of Op-Art! Discover how his iconic works play with perception and create captivating optical illusions. Click to dive into this art...
Victor Vasarely: The Lines of His Genius Shape ...
Explore the fascinating world of Victor Vasarely, the pioneer of Op-Art! Discover how his iconic works play with perception and create captivating optical illusions. Click to dive into this art...
Let customers speak for us
from 54 reviewsLenon B, artiste d'art abstrait mais si présente tant elle est vibrante de vie et de joie comme ses tableaux riches en couleurs et émotions ! A découvrir absolument ! Brigitte L.
Lors du ma visite du SIAC 2023,j'ai découvert le talent d'une artiste dont les œuvres révèlent une vitalité communicative et en parcourant son site, l'étendue de ses œuvres couvrent tous les sentiments que la vie nous fait traverser des plus sombres aux plus joyeux. Son talent donne vie à chaque tableau et nous fait partager ses sentiments.
Lenon, olá. Estou plenamente de acordo com as suas palavras. As cores transmitem mensagens, e nós não queremos transmitir sempre a mesma. Por isso, é importante utilizarmos toda a panóplia de cores existente, de que dispomos, para mostrarmos ao mundo as nossas emoções, as nossas sensações...Adoro ver cores garridas nas nossas roupas invernosas. Sou adepta disso ! Um beijinho
Quando pensamos em amor a cor em que pensamos é o vermelho, se pensamos em amigos, as cores são múltiplas. Viva a cor!! Sempre!
Nymphéas inspire, vous transporte dans la nature colorée d'odeurs et de couleurs magique ! J'adore. Bravo l'artiste Lenon..
Hélène,Je m'inscris à ta newsletter ! Amicalement
Quel époustouflant parcours !! je découvre avec admiration ce ce flash back de vie, bravo l'artiste §
Monique Billaud
Magnifique artiste, vraiment lumineuse, j'adore... Elle me manque
Félicitations pour cette nouvelle création... ça nous donne vraiment envie de découvrir celle ci....in situ...et avec notre artiste préférée.
C est avec grand bonheur de découvrir que tu as su mettre à l honneur l artiste peintre, Delaunay Sonia, et ainsi, nous faire partager l une de ses toiles !Une artiste époustouflante dont les oeuvres explosent de couleurs et de formes, notamment avec « rythme »de 1938 exposé au Centre Pompidou ! Prolongez le plaisir à l occasion d un séjour sur Paris !
Sempre olhando pela positiva, embora com uma pedra pelo caminho. eu acompanhei tua exposição e quase senti o ambiente tão caseiro, e ao mesmo tempo tão profissional. espero te por cá com tempo para poderes participar e nos contar mais. bjs
Après une visite au SIAC, où tes tableaux m'avaient déjà charmée, c'est au moment d'un cadeau pour ma fille que tes couleurs se sont imposées à moi! Elles reflètent ce que je ressens de toi: optimisme, éclat, joie, gaité, découvertes, ouverture, les premiers mots qui me viennent devant une grande partie de tes toiles! Et ces mots correspondent tant à ma fille aussi que j ai craqué :) Et , à travers nos échanges, en plus de ta peinture, j'ai apprécié ton accueil, tes disponibilités pour discuter, ta gentillesse et ta prévenance pour organiser l'envoi de la toile, merci infiniment pour tout ! Ton univers ?.... c'est de la joie et du plaisir en tubes !! A bientôt Claudine
Lenon's paintings are vibrant, beautiful, creative and colorful ! They illuminate our home and make us happy! Her love-of-life is visible with each stroke and her variety of style is admirable. Thanks for sharing your talent with us!
J'adore ton dernier tableau Les formes , les couleurs , les explications, enfin bref FABULEUX !!
Ce que j'aime avec Lénon B, c'est la diversité de son expression. La palette des émotions qu'elle nous offre, passant de couleurs tellement vivantes et fortes, à des tons sombres envoûtants. Merci Lénon pour cette découverte ! J'attends les nouveautés avec impatience !